We Will Bury You
When Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev said, "We will bury you", Americans feared for their safety and allowed their taxes to fund a larger military and CIA. This fear led to the Vietnam war.
There is no limit to the rherotic leaders will use to keep their followers in line. Zarqawi: "We will sacrifice our blood and bodies to put an end to your dreams, and what is coming is even worse." Osama bin Laden declared: "Death is better than living on this Earth with the unbelievers among us."
The United States did not invade the Soviet Union when it threatened with long range missiles with nuclear warheads, but when some rag tag criminal with no air force or navy threatens the U.S., the citizens clamor for war.
People are not angry at President Bush for going to war in Iraq. They are angry at him for not winning.
There are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. If 1% of them are radicals who hate the U. S. for our invasions and meddling in Muslim countries, that means there are around 13 million Islam warriors. If 1% of those are willing to be suicide bombers, that means there are 130,000 potential suicide bombers.
If we kill all the radicals in Iraq, will we then go to Saudi Arabia and do the same? Then to Iran? How about Indonesia with 150 million Muslims? Shall we invade them to kill a few radicals? What next? Shall we invade France to kill a few Muslim radicals in France who hate us?
The war on terrorism is like a war on crime. It will not have a victory and it will not end. The United States can reduce the inducements for Islam recruits by bringing our troops home and stop meddling in the affairs of Muslim countries.
Bilbo Baggins
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia--
Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev famously used an expression generally translated into English as "We will bury you!" ("Мы вас похороним!", transliterated as My vas pokhoronim!) while addressing Western ambassadors at reception in Moscow in November, 1956. [1] The translation has been controversial because it was presented as being belligerent out of context. The phrase may well have been intended to mean the Soviet Union would outlast the West, as a more complete version of the quote reads: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you" - a meaning more akin to "we will attend your funeral" than "we shall cause your funeral".
Several online sources incorrectly claim that he made this statement at the United Nations General Assembly on October 11, 1960, when he is said to have pounded the table with his shoe, or with an extra shoe he had brought with him explicitly for that purpose. [2] (Occasionally these incorrect reports give the date October 12, the date this incident was reported in most newspapers.)
Speaking some years later in Yugoslavia, Khrushchev himself remarked, "I once said, 'We will bury you,' and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you" [3], a nod to the popular Marxist saying, "The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism." Khrushchev later went on to explain that socialism would supplant capitalism in the same manner that capitalism itself supplanted feudalism.