Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We Will Bury You

When Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev said, "We will bury you", Americans feared for their safety and allowed their taxes to fund a larger military and CIA. This fear led to the Vietnam war.

There is no limit to the rherotic leaders will use to keep their followers in line. Zarqawi: "We will sacrifice our blood and bodies to put an end to your dreams, and what is coming is even worse." Osama bin Laden declared: "Death is better than living on this Earth with the unbelievers among us."

The United States did not invade the Soviet Union when it threatened with long range missiles with nuclear warheads, but when some rag tag criminal with no air force or navy threatens the U.S., the citizens clamor for war.

People are not angry at President Bush for going to war in Iraq. They are angry at him for not winning.

There are 1.3 billion Muslims in the world. If 1% of them are radicals who hate the U. S. for our invasions and meddling in Muslim countries, that means there are around 13 million Islam warriors. If 1% of those are willing to be suicide bombers, that means there are 130,000 potential suicide bombers.

If we kill all the radicals in Iraq, will we then go to Saudi Arabia and do the same? Then to Iran? How about Indonesia with 150 million Muslims? Shall we invade them to kill a few radicals? What next? Shall we invade France to kill a few Muslim radicals in France who hate us?

The war on terrorism is like a war on crime. It will not have a victory and it will not end. The United States can reduce the inducements for Islam recruits by bringing our troops home and stop meddling in the affairs of Muslim countries.

Bilbo Baggins

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia--
Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev famously used an expression generally translated into English as "We will bury you!" ("Мы вас похороним!", transliterated as My vas pokhoronim!) while addressing Western ambassadors at reception in Moscow in November, 1956. [1] The translation has been controversial because it was presented as being belligerent out of context. The phrase may well have been intended to mean the Soviet Union would outlast the West, as a more complete version of the quote reads: "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you" - a meaning more akin to "we will attend your funeral" than "we shall cause your funeral".

Several online sources incorrectly claim that he made this statement at the United Nations General Assembly on October 11, 1960, when he is said to have pounded the table with his shoe, or with an extra shoe he had brought with him explicitly for that purpose. [2] (Occasionally these incorrect reports give the date October 12, the date this incident was reported in most newspapers.)

Speaking some years later in Yugoslavia, Khrushchev himself remarked, "I once said, 'We will bury you,' and I got into trouble with it. Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you" [3], a nod to the popular Marxist saying, "The proletariat is the undertaker of capitalism." Khrushchev later went on to explain that socialism would supplant capitalism in the same manner that capitalism itself supplanted feudalism.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Universal Health Care

It looks like Gary will get his Universal Health coverage. No matter how often collectivism has failed, people still want more. People in Venezuela in recent years have voted to give up their individual freedoms in favor of the collective. Recent elections in Brazil, Bolivia, and Nicaragua also favor collectivism over individual liberty. People are afraid of individual liberty because it requires transparency. Who you are is readily apparent because you are in a competitive environment and individual choices and behaviors show consequences. In a collective society it is easy to hide behind poor performance and pose as being equal to the strong and swift, and feel safe, no matter the unseen cost to the society. It is painful to be of low status in a group. Better to be equal to all, even if all in the group are miserable.

It looks like the consumers will be forced to buy health insurance. What would happen to the cost of computers if the consumers were forced to buy computers? When force is used, the consequences are most often negative.

It is ironic that Fidel Castro will likely die from a curable disease, diverticulitis. His socialized health care required him to import a doctor from Spain. One of Castro's best-known slogans was "Socialism or death!"

President Bush wants to make health insurance premiums a standard tax deductible item, reducing the amount of taxes buyers of health insurance pay. Anytime the government interferes in the market place the unseen consequences are negative. Allowing insurance premiums to be tax deductible will only increase the cost of health insurance. The same can be said about a mortgage for a house which allows the interest to be deductible. The consumer still pays out of pocket what they can afford. If the mortgage interest deduction was canceled you would see the price of homes reduced accordingly to what the consumer could pay.

In the 19th century the United States, except for slavery and the mistreatment of the American Indians, was a short open window of liberty. People had the most freedoms, except slaves, of any people in the past history of mankind. One will argue that women did not have the right to vote. Somehow they had enough power to get the right to vote without firing a shot! The window of liberty has been
closing in the past few decades. Young people today are inured to the thousands of laws they are required to live under. Only someone who grew up in a time and place where liberty existed can see the window closing.

Denis sent me a quote a few months ago-- "I want either less corruption or more opportunity to participate in it." - Ashleigh Brilliant. In Fredrick Bastiat's, "The Law", Bastiat predicted in 1849 that plunder would become a way of life in a democratic group.

"Men naturally rebel against the injustice of which they are victims. Thus, when plunder is organized by law for the profit of those who make the law, all the plundered classes try somehow to enter - by peaceful or revolutionary means - into the making of laws. According to their degree of enlightenment, these plundered classes may propose one of two entirely
different purposes when they attempt to attain political power: Either they may wish to stop lawful plunder, or they may wish to share in it."

Fredrick Bastiat, The Law

Universal Health Coverage shows the instinct to share (legal plunder) in group benefits is alive and well. As long as the group is responsible for me, I have no responsibility.

Anyone knows the way to reduce the cost of a product or service is to increase the supply. To reduce the cost of health care all that is needed is to increase the supply of health care providers; doctors, nurses and hospitals. The way to increase the supply of doctors and nurses is to
eliminate the requirement for a license to practice medicine. A nurse who has worked for years in Obstetrics should know how to delivery a baby. Let her visit homes to delivery the baby in-house. This will reduce the cost of a birth from thousands to a few hundred dollars.

People should be able provide health care even if they do not have a license. The health care doctor lobby and medical schools lobby will argue that this will cause many patients to surfer from quality care. How do they know? It has not been tried. There is no data to prove their point. Some people will not have the best medical care money can provide, but they will have more medical care and more choices without licensing requirement.

Columnist Ted Rall wants universal health care. He even thinks doctors should be federal employees! The government only operates on force and violence, yet people of both parties want more force and violence. The government forced me to contribute to Social Security. It forces me to pay increases premiums for Medicare Part A. The government forcibly makes me
pay for the Medicare premium out of my social security. If I think the premiums are too high the only way I can opt out of Medicare is to give up all of my social security benefits, benefits I was forced to pay for.

Throughout history the elite in socialist societies have always lived better than the masses. If you get universal health care do you think the U. S. Congress will give up some of their perks and take the same universal health care we get. From; "The Attending Physician's Office is a $1.8 million-per-year operation that encompasses three separate facilities employing nearly twenty doctors, nurses, and technicians in the U.S. Capitol (some of whom are part-time workers). The clinics are open to Members of Congress and Legislative Branch employees. Until 1992 lawmakers were entitled to receive acute care, lab tests, and other clinical work free of charge.

Since that time, an annual fee has been instituted, which this year is reportedly set at $332 for House Members and $520 for Senators. At this rate, the annual taxpayer subsidy for the Attending Physician is still at least $1.6 million. However, Americans may take comfort in the fact that their subsidy has personal value -- Capitol visitors who fall victim to medical emergencies may receive treatment as well.

One medical benefit for lawmakers that even other Congressional employees can't obtain is the combination of outpatient care at the Walter Reed Army Hospital and Bethesda Naval Hospital -- along with inpatient care at the minimum flat daily rate even if intensive care treatment is required."

Bilbo Baggins

Monday, January 22, 2007

Images of the American Soldier

This is an image of a GI in Iraq. High tech and fashionable wrap around sun glasses. Well fed, showered and shaved.

This is an image of a GI during World War II. He slept outdoors in the cold and mud. He rarely showered and shaved. He lived a miserable and uncomfortable life, eating cold C-rations.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Marriage Preparation

On a men's rights discussion group, Robert asked for advice about getting married. Here is my advice to Robert.

I was married in 1958. That was a time when one expected marriages to last. As a husband and father of three I took my responsibilities seriously. I thought I had some authority, as I had a non working wife. Fourteen years later, when my wife asked for a divorce, I realized I had no authority, only responsibility. I was fortunate that we had an amicable divorce, only one attorney. During the process I realized I had no authority. It all resided with her and the State.

I never remarried. I lived with a wonderful woman for many years. Early in the relationship I told her I never wanted to be married again, to anyone, because a marriage is not just to a woman, but a marriage also makes the State a party to the marriage! I never led her on that there was hope for marriage. Never lie to a woman. We parted good friends. I cared for her when she developed ovarian cancer. She passed away in 2002.

Why would a young man want to get married today? He has the illusion that he will be happy in the future. When his illusion is destroyed by the system, he will be unhappy. He has expectations that his lust will last. This is an illusion. If he can stay married to a woman for decades his lust may turn to affection, friendship, and attachment. (C. S. Lewis's four stages of love). Older men who marry for the second and third time are looking for the latter three stages of love. To be with a woman and develop the four stages of love is what we desire. We take the risk in marriage, hoping to be happy.

A marriage today only seems like a notarized date. The marriage ceremony is a narcissistic ritual. The man gives up some power hoping to get something in return. The woman gives up some power also hoping to get something in return. When things go bad in the voluntary exchange of power, one party tries to take back their power. Conflict follows.

Loneliness drives people into relationships, even bad relationships. Know what is motivating you and her to want a relationship. I have heard recently divorced men say they want to be married, even when they are dating no one. Some men just want to be married. In their mind being a husband is important.

No one can predict the future, but when men marry they gamble with their power, pride and money. It is a roll of the dice and the odds are against the man.

The marriage contract confers power on the woman. After a temporary period of cooperation for mating and producing children, the female is in control.

Women only need to mate a few days each month. Men need to mate each day. This and cultural conditioning that we all know about makes marriage for the American male similar to the mating ritual of the Praying Mantis. Like the Black Widow spider and the Praying Mantis males, human males cannot avoid the risks of mating.

I'm glad my passions of youth have waned. I suppose if I were young today with the same passions of my youth I would behave like the passionate youths of each generation past. Nature and society form our opinions for us. Even Newton said his ideas came from the shoulders of giants before him.

If a young man is interested in marriage I would suggest he practice abstinence with his future bride. Not for moral reasons but to see if he wants to be around her without sex. Usually young men are blinded with good sex. It is only after the lust diminishes that he is aware of the personality difference in each.

A young man should look for a woman who has a good relationship with her family. She should be optimistic. People who are optimistic often see problems as opportunities. If she is angry and aggressive towards others, avoid her. See how she acts around children and pets. If she has mood highs and lows run away, fast. If she worships rock stars and celebrities, avoid her.

And by all means have a pre nuptial agreement. This will separate the false assumptions each party has of the marriage.

Bilbo Baggins

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Identifying the Problem in Iraq

We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves. -Eric Hoffer, philosopher and author (1902-1983)

On another discussion group a member suggested, to solve the problem in Iraq the problem must first be identified. As the motivational speakers like to say, "Every problem is an opportunity."

The problems can be real, perceived, imaginary, or propagandist problems.

A real problem for me is different than a real problem for an Iraqi Imam, or and American soldier, or all the other parties involved. A real problem for me is how much I am forced to pay for this dangerous foreign policy. This policy also puts my safety at risk.

I see the real problem for the United States is its foreign policy and its support for Israel. This policy of quasi imperialism only creates debt and enemies. No empire in the past 500 years has survived. The Spanish, British, Japanese, Ottoman, Napoleon, and Portuguese empires were all destroyed by debt and the numerous enemies they created.

We see a Muslim nation, Iran, friendly to a Christian nation, Venezuela. China is selling arms to Venezuela. Brazil, Nicaragua, and Bolivia have elected socialist leaders. Socialism is an enemy to the brochures promoting freedoms and free enterprise of the United States. These are real problems for the United States, caused by our bellicose foreign policy. The United States is creating more enemies than friends.

Perceived problems are numerous and complex and the parties with perceived problems are also numerous. One perceived problem is that the Muslims hate us. Maybe some Muslims hate our government, but not all Muslims hate all Americans. A subpart of this problem can be real, but as a group we do not ask why. As a group we hide our individual actions in the group. We feel safe in the group and believe the group is good. We may be filled with self hatred of our individual self, but we can never feel that way about our group. The group members may come to their senses, slowly, one member at a time. Our group can destroy millions of innocent people with an atomic bomb and that would be good. If one individual kills one other individual, that is bad. If the group forcibly takes from another that can be good. If an individual takes from another using force, that is bad.

President Bush has a real problem because he is not winning. He is trying to make his problem a group problem. Others who have something to gain will often use this deception and try to make their individual problem the problem of friends, the family or group. This hidden lure, to escape responsiblily and have others solve your problem, is an underling cause for socialism.

President Bush likes to say he has a volunteer military. Despite a highly paid volunteer Army, he can only get less than one percent of the population to volunteer to serve in uniform. That is a real problem for a president who wants to invade other countries.

Imaginary problems are rampant as they always are in groups who still believe in myths. An example of an imaginary problem is what General Peter Pace, Chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff, said in New York recently at an event sponsored by the Oxonian Society, "If the U.S. is pushed out of Iraq," he said, "the next stop for al Qaeda and other insurgents is Afghanistan. If the U.S. is pushed out of Afghanistan", he said to a hushed room in New York on Friday, "the next stop is here."

Does anyone really believe al Qaeda, who has no Army, Navy, or Air Force, will invade the United States? Al Qaeda did not even control Afghanistan. The Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Once al Qaeda becomes large enough and centralized then it can be easily attacked. They have their real problems from their own populace and internal fighting.

Propaganda problems, lies by governments, are too many to list.

Instead of asking what is the problem, maybe we should ask what is the reason for invading Iraq? The reasons given will be; real, perceived, imaginary, and propagandist.

Bilbo Baggins

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Office of Men's Health

Senator Mike Crapo and Representative Vito Fossella are expected to introduce bills which would establish an Office of Men's Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. This office would mirror the work of the existing Office of Women's Health, which has helped to save thousands of women's lives and has improved the lives of many more.

I have been opposed to an Office of Men's Health. I have also opposed to an Office of Women's Health.

The problem for men during the past few decades has been government laws, rules, and regulations that interfere in the voluntary relationships between individuals and groups, which spilled over into meddling in the voluntary relationships between men and women. You know whose side came out ahead when the government interfered in the gender wars, wars that have been going on for centuries! Do you now think the government will be fair just because it collects our money and grows in power and decides the spending on men's health?

Despite the loss of individual freedoms and choices from government power, we somehow always ask for more government. Men now are asking for more government to control their health decisions. When the government starts plundering and managing lives, all people want to participate in the plunder and management of lives.

As for health research, I remember President Nixon declaring a war on cancer. Billions of dollars have been spent on research for a cancer cure, but none is in sight. The NIH has a budget of 27 billion dollars per year, and they have not found a cure for one disease! The NIH does have a section on men's health.

The last known disease that was cured in the United States was polio. It was not cured, but, a vaccination was found in 1952. The funding provided to Dr. Jonas Salk, who created the vaccine, was government funds.

When you allow government to forcibly take your money and spend it as they see fit, on research, you get more research, but no cure. There are profits in research, treatment, and benefits for government employees. There is no profit in a cure. This is what will happen with research on men's health. You also give the government more power, power to spend YOUR money as the government employees choose.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Senator John McCain

"It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it." General Robert E. Lee.

Senator John McCain III, United States Senator, is the son of a four star Admiral, and the grandson of a four star admiral. Senator McCain is a very anguished man.

Senator McCain grew up with ideas and a culture of U. S. Navy history. He learned from his father and grandfather to love his country. His father and grandfather fought gallantly in WW II. Senator McCain grew up with this legacy.
The senator attended the U. S. Naval Academy, like his father and grandfather. Like his father, Senator McCain finished in the lower part of his class. Like his father and grandfather, Senator McCain was often in trouble.

Senator McCain survived an aviation training accident and two accidents aboard his aircraft carriers. Senator McCain was shot down over North Vietnam during the Vietnam war. He spent over 5 years as a prisoner of war. He endured torture and hardships. He was an honorable man by refusing preferential treatment because his father was an admiral in the enemy's navy.

Senator McCain's son, John McCain IV, is attending the U. S. Naval Academy. Another son enlisted in the Marine Corp in 2006. The family warrior tradition continues.

Senator McCain supported the invasion of Iraq. He supports Mr. Bush's escalation of the war in Iraq. When asked in a recent interview if he thought his support of the war would hurt his chances to become president in 2008 he responded in a solemn voice, "It is better to lose an election than to lose the war." Senator McCain thinks we should stay in Iraq as long as it takes, "to make up for Vietnam."

I think the response is an indication of the inner turmoil Senator McCain is going through. As a child he heard about the warrior culture of his father and grandfather. He saw the glories of his country in the heroic WW II movies. He wants to prove he can be the warrior his forefathers were. (Despite his difficulties, he later wrote that he never wavered in his desire to show his father and family that he was of the same mettle as his naval forbears). In a speech on Mar 31, 2008, McCain said, "They were my first heroes, and their respect for me has been one of the most lasting ambitions of my life-". The warrior child is still fighting for the respect of his fathers.

Like all warriors throughout history he has his opinions formed for him, that his country was undefeatable and always right. His illusion that his country could not lose was tested throughout his adult life. Destroy a person's illusions and you destroy their happiness.

Since his country won WW II during Senator McCain's childhood, it has not won a victory against a major opponent. His country fought to a draw against North Korea and lost to a small poor country, North Vietnam. His country has had some minor successes against some small countries that are insignificant.

Now Senator McCain is desperate for his country to regain its glory and claim victory. He was a warrior and now he is one of the tribal elders. He cannot imagine living such a dedicated life as a warrior and tribal elder and never having his tribe win a victory.

Update, September 15, 2007 - I just saw Senator John McCain's 95 year old mother on TV. She said her son John did not have to make a second tour to Vietnam where he was shot down and captured. He went because, in her words, he had a duty to God and country. I never thought I would hear someone in the modern west speak of fighting for God. I guess Muslim mothers are telling their sons to fight for Allah and Islam. Senator McCain was the son and grandson of WW II admirals. One can see how sons are brainwashed into fighting in unnecessary wars.

Update, March 31, 2007-
By DAVID ESPO, AP Special Correspondent Mon Mar 31,

Republican Sen. John McCain is opening a new chapter in his presidential campaign, casting himself as an "imperfect servant of my country" who was born into a family of American warriors devoted to honor, courage and duty.
"I am the son and grandson of admirals," McCain said in excerpts of a speech prepared for delivery Monday. "They were my first heroes, and their respect for me has been one of the most lasting ambitions of my life. ... They showed me how to love my country, and that has made all the difference for me."

I suspect Senator McCain has earned the respect of his family of American warriors. It is Senator McCain who feels he has not measured up to the great and glorious victory of a great war, and he is correct. There has not been one for America since Senator McCain became an adult.

Bilbo Baggins

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mr. Bush asking for Help

Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth. -Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

President Bush in his weekly radio address challenged the critics of his Iraq policy to find a better way to stop the violence in Iraq. His supporters also are claiming Mr. Bush's critics offer no alternative plan to win in Iraq.

I will give an alternate plan, the same plan I have always given, and that is to bring the troops home where they can protect America instead of spending billions on death, debt, destruction and disaster trying to protect Iraq. I am not responsible for stopping the violence in Iraq. I am not responsible for stopping the violence in another State. I am not responsible for stopping the violence in another town. I only pay for the police in the town I live and get to elect the city councilmembers who hire the police. I have no say in the Iraq government, so stop assuming I am responsible for it.

It is ridiculous for the United States to act as the policeman for the world. Mr. Bush, people in Iraq can police themselves without your meddling. Asking me for a solution to stop the violence in Iraq is like asking me to stop the violence in New York when I live in another State.

I am tired of paying for police services in Iraq. Let the Iraqi people police themselves.

We should stop meddling in the Middle East and fighting Israel's religious war. Let Israel fight their own religious war. It is a religious war because the Jews do not want just a safe state anywhere, they want one in the middle of their enemies, based on religious history. I wish them the best and a peaceful solution to their problem, but, it is their problem, not mine.

Neither is the violence between the Sunnis and Shia my problem. It is their problem, not mine. I did not teach them religious myths that they are willing to die for. When the crowd runs out of blood they will come to their senses. That is the way of history. History does not repeat itself Mr. Bush, people repeat history, and you are repeating history.

Bilbo Baggins

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

California to Force People to Buy Health Insurance

Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm but the harm does not interest them. -T.S. Eliot, poet (1888-1965)

California is proposing to follow Massachusetts in the use of force to make citizens of California buy insurance, even if they don't want to. The usual mantra is to protect the children.

According to the AP story on Jan 8, 2006, California Governor Schwarzenegger will demand all businesses with over 10 employees provide health insurance for their employees. Some employers will layoff workers to have 10 or less employees. A few years later you can bet the requirement will be lowered to a 5 employees, and soon after all employees must be provided with health insurance. The insurance industry must be celebrating. They are soon to receive 6.5 million new customers.

The report said there are 6.5 million Californians without health insurance. Of those, only 1.5 million are too poor to buy health insurance. The government is going to make everyone buy health insurance, and tax business 4%. They call the tax a "contribution". To call it a contribution is a lie. No business can refuse to pay the tax. The poor people who cannot afford to pay will have insurance provided by others. Why should anyone work if housing, food, and health care is provided by someone else? The group thinking that the group is responsible for health care means no individual is responsible. This group thinking has retarded the progress of groups throughout history.

This is a major victory for the insurance companies. They can reduce their sales staff. Everyone is forced to be a customer to the insurance companies.

Many people do not buy insurance because the premiums and out of pocket deductibles do not justify the coverage. Many people, like my neighbor, would rather be self insured. Now they will lose that freedom. Governments always take away freedoms.

What will the new insurance cover? Now that everyone must buy insurance, the insurance industry will try very hard to control what is covered. This will cause a need for more government controls. Eventually the government will decide what must be covered.

Health care has become community property. Community property is never as efficient as private property. Compare a public park to a private park. Private property of the same socio economic level is better cared for than community property. Communism has never, never improved a society. Communism has always retarded the progress of a society. Communism is a tragedy.

Garrett Hardin wrote an essay about the Tragedy of the Commons. Hardin says that people who own common property will always try to get more from the property than they put in.
In 1974 the general public got a graphic illustration of the "tragedy of the commons" in satellite photos of the earth. Pictures of northern Africa showed an irregular dark patch, 390 square miles in area. Ground-level investigation revealed a fenced area inside of which there was plenty of grass. Outside, the ground cover had been devastated.

The explanation was simple. The fenced area was private property, subdivided into five portions. Each year the owners moved their animals to a new section. Fallow periods of four years gave the pastures time to recover from the grazing. They did so because the owners had an incentive to take care of their land. But outside the ranch, no one owned the land. It was open to nomads and their herds. Though knowing nothing of Karl Marx, the herdsmen followed his famous advice of 1875: "... to each according to his needs." Their needs were uncontrolled and grew with the increase in the number of animals. But supply was governed by nature, decreasing drastically during the drought of the early seventies. The herds exceeded the natural "carrying capacity" of their environment, soil was compacted and eroded, and "weedy" plants, unfit for cattle consumption, replaced good plants. Many cattle died, and so did humans.

The government will eventually decide the rich should pay higher premiums than the rest for the same coverage.

The insurance industry will become a government regulated industry that benefits the industry and not the free market.

Governor Schwarzenegger said his plan will save the State 10 billion dollars. How about saving the citizens' money! The State will not save ten billion dollars. It will spend the ten billion on something else.

Stephen Moore, an anti health plan speaker said on CNBC, "People in California will leave if this California health plan is implemented". A proponent of Universal Health, former Labor Secretary under President Clinton, Robert Reich said, "This is why we need the Federal Government to provide Universal health care, to keep people from leaving those states that implement health care plans." This is the thinking of big government central planners. They do not want people to have choices and vote with their feet by going to a more efficient state. Imagine the knowledge gained if all fifty states were allowed to implement, or not, health care plans, or minimum wages. We would see which government works best and citizens would be free to choose that government they liked.

As governments take away our freedoms, why do more and more people worship at the Church of Big Government? Government only operates by using force and aggression, even when it pretends to do good.

Bilbo Baggins

Monday, January 08, 2007

Cooperate for Mating

"Men love war because it allows them to look serious. Because it is the one thing that stops women from laughing at them". - John Fowles, "The Magus"

According to a 2005 U. S. Census report, the number of single people living alone in the United States increased 23% during the 1990s.

Is it natural for a female and male animal to live alone, only to cooperate and come together for a short time when the female is in her mating period? Many wild animals; Polar bears, Siberian tigers, and insects, live alone and cooperate briefly to mate. Other animals live in groups and are monogamous for mutual self preservation.

In the American past males and females lived in a symbiotic relationship. Both used each other for survival. Both performed specific jobs each was best qualified for. A male used to slowly plow one row with two mules. Now a small female can plow eight rows with a tractor that has power steering, air-conditioning, and music.

With the invention of the birth control pill and economic opportunities, American females have become independent. They no longer have to cooperate or compromise with a male for survival. Females still dress up and cooperate when seeking a mate during those days of the month she is ovulating. Survey the females in a "mating" bar on Friday night and I suspect half of them are ovulating. Females currently cooperate long enough to get married and have children. After that short period of cooperation the female files for divorce.

I suspect the number of males and females living alone will increase in the future. Technology will replace the need for males. Political and economic power is trending towards the female. Females spend 75% of all retail dollars. There are more female voters than male voters. The United Nations has many departments that promotes and benefits women. The U. S. Labor Department has a department just for promoting living standards of women. California has a Commission on the Status of Women. Modern American men's power is chimerical. The American male's dating life involves more risk than a male Praying Mantis.

Sperm banks and cloning will make males unnecessary. Their reduction in status will only create more frustration, anger, and violence among men. Males will compete more among themselves. They will become more uxorious and desperate, giving females ever more power. Government will continue to favor the female voter, taxing the male and giving to the female. Cooperation time between males and females for mating will become shorter.

Bilbo Baggins