Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mr. Bush asking for Help

Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth. -Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

President Bush in his weekly radio address challenged the critics of his Iraq policy to find a better way to stop the violence in Iraq. His supporters also are claiming Mr. Bush's critics offer no alternative plan to win in Iraq.

I will give an alternate plan, the same plan I have always given, and that is to bring the troops home where they can protect America instead of spending billions on death, debt, destruction and disaster trying to protect Iraq. I am not responsible for stopping the violence in Iraq. I am not responsible for stopping the violence in another State. I am not responsible for stopping the violence in another town. I only pay for the police in the town I live and get to elect the city councilmembers who hire the police. I have no say in the Iraq government, so stop assuming I am responsible for it.

It is ridiculous for the United States to act as the policeman for the world. Mr. Bush, people in Iraq can police themselves without your meddling. Asking me for a solution to stop the violence in Iraq is like asking me to stop the violence in New York when I live in another State.

I am tired of paying for police services in Iraq. Let the Iraqi people police themselves.

We should stop meddling in the Middle East and fighting Israel's religious war. Let Israel fight their own religious war. It is a religious war because the Jews do not want just a safe state anywhere, they want one in the middle of their enemies, based on religious history. I wish them the best and a peaceful solution to their problem, but, it is their problem, not mine.

Neither is the violence between the Sunnis and Shia my problem. It is their problem, not mine. I did not teach them religious myths that they are willing to die for. When the crowd runs out of blood they will come to their senses. That is the way of history. History does not repeat itself Mr. Bush, people repeat history, and you are repeating history.

Bilbo Baggins


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