Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Cooperate for Mating

"Men love war because it allows them to look serious. Because it is the one thing that stops women from laughing at them". - John Fowles, "The Magus"

According to a 2005 U. S. Census report, the number of single people living alone in the United States increased 23% during the 1990s.

Is it natural for a female and male animal to live alone, only to cooperate and come together for a short time when the female is in her mating period? Many wild animals; Polar bears, Siberian tigers, and insects, live alone and cooperate briefly to mate. Other animals live in groups and are monogamous for mutual self preservation.

In the American past males and females lived in a symbiotic relationship. Both used each other for survival. Both performed specific jobs each was best qualified for. A male used to slowly plow one row with two mules. Now a small female can plow eight rows with a tractor that has power steering, air-conditioning, and music.

With the invention of the birth control pill and economic opportunities, American females have become independent. They no longer have to cooperate or compromise with a male for survival. Females still dress up and cooperate when seeking a mate during those days of the month she is ovulating. Survey the females in a "mating" bar on Friday night and I suspect half of them are ovulating. Females currently cooperate long enough to get married and have children. After that short period of cooperation the female files for divorce.

I suspect the number of males and females living alone will increase in the future. Technology will replace the need for males. Political and economic power is trending towards the female. Females spend 75% of all retail dollars. There are more female voters than male voters. The United Nations has many departments that promotes and benefits women. The U. S. Labor Department has a department just for promoting living standards of women. California has a Commission on the Status of Women. Modern American men's power is chimerical. The American male's dating life involves more risk than a male Praying Mantis.

Sperm banks and cloning will make males unnecessary. Their reduction in status will only create more frustration, anger, and violence among men. Males will compete more among themselves. They will become more uxorious and desperate, giving females ever more power. Government will continue to favor the female voter, taxing the male and giving to the female. Cooperation time between males and females for mating will become shorter.

Bilbo Baggins


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