Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

5,000 Years of Middle East History

A newspaper in New Hampshire said: "The Southern Confederacy will not employ our ships or buy our goods. What is our shipping without it? We must not let the South go."

The above link is to an interactive map presenting the longest running show in history, five thousand years of trying to conquer the Middle East. Will the show last another 5,000 years? Who will be the latest conqueror, only to be driven out like the rest?

Other parts of the world have seen attempts in the past to build empires. All past empires based on occupation of others' territories have failed.

Much of the conflict in the early history was before Christianity, Judaism, Islam and oil. So what were men fighting for then? Women. Men fight for women. Would men raise armies and kill each other if there were no women, and men had no sex drive to procreate, and men did not need money to buy and provide for women? I suspect some men would lay around in the sun, some would hunt for food, some would explore science, and some would create beautiful art.

The link above also has a history of Unites States wars. Most of them were outside the original 13 colonies and the later expanded borders. There was always an excuse for another war.

The war in Iraq has many excuses. One is to redeem the reputation of the military lost in Vietnam. Members of the tribe bathe themselves in glory, at someone else's expense. Pick your excuse, but the war in Iraq has nothing to do with defending the United States. Neither did most of the past wars the United States entered.

Bilbo Baggins


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