Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Newt Gingrich and Freedom of Speech

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Goethe

Former Congressman and presidential aspirant Newt Gingrich suggested we may have to curtail freedom of speech. I thought it was the radical Muslims who wanted to take away our freedoms! It appears the radical Muslims, without a navy or air force, may succeed. They do not have to invade us and take away our freedoms. We frightened sheep will give away our freedoms, slowly, one election at a time.

Some say why worry if "You" have nothing to hide. This specious argument ignores the millions of people who had nothing to hide, but still died at the hands of their own government. They died because they tried to speak out against oppression.

There will be other terrorists attacks. Some psychotic geek cannot pass up the opportunity for notoriety. Some will be copycat attacks from Americans, like the Unabomber.

Death is a risk associated with freedom. Too many people think they can be free without risk. This is an illusion. If one wants to stay alive without risk they should commit a federal crime that is non violent and get sent to a minimum security prison. There they would be safe, sheltered, fed and have medical care provided.

People say there are radical Muslims who want to impose Islamic law on us. I say there are also some radical Christians who want to impose their biblical laws on us.

There are all kinds of groups who want their ideology to be imposed on others. Our constitution has helped prevent this. Lately our constitution has been under attack by different groups.

The neo cons are in retreat but they never stop shouting "fire!" After the cold war was over they needed a new bogeyman. After the war against terrorists diminishes they will reappear with a new label and a new bogeyman. Troops that are not yet born will saddle up, and to the sounds of trumpets and the waving of flags, they will march of to another war.

Men are addicted to killing other men. They cannot help themselves. If they could, would any rational person go to war instead of settling their disputes in a court of law?

Bilbo Baggins


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