Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Real Wars are Never Simple

"Time makes more converts than reason." Tom Paine, Common Sense

>Real wars are never simple,<

Which is why they should not be started without just cause.

>critizing from the peanut gallery is.<

Now citizens' dissent is called the "peanut gallery"! Your umbrage towards our basic right to dissent shows the impuissance of your position.

> it is also arrogant to assume they could do a better job of it, as the Left seems to insist.>

A better job of invading other countries? Who assumes that? Only the Neo Warriors disagree on strategy. The left, 126 democrats, voted against the resolution to topple Hussein. Asking them to do a better job of "it" is like asking the victim to help in their own murder.

The neo warrior Jay Garner was on C-Span saying the invasion of Iraq was just because we thought Saddam Hussein was bad to the Iraqi people. The neo warriors belief that they can change the middle east is thaumaturgy. Changing Iraq was a fatuous goal. They went into Iraq with complete nescience. Garner is what Isabel Patterson referred to as the humanitarians who kill in order to do good. Garner is convinced we are good and Hussein is bad, so no matter how many people we kill our motives are justified. As Patterson writes in her "God of the Machine", a chapter titled "The Humanitarian With the Guillotine", "Most of the harm in the world is done by good people, and not by accident, lapse, or omission. It is the result of their deliberate actions, long persevered in, which they hold to be motivated by high ideals toward virtuous ends."

These humanitarians like Jay Garner will use any canard, any myth, any chimera to liberate their conscience of the need to kill others. They behave in a puerile fashion while living in a sadomasochism world. A world where the ultimate sport is war. Their emoluments come at the expense of the sufferings of others.

The war in Iraq is just another act on the world stage where "The Folly of War" is the longest running performance in history. The next act will have different players, but the plot never changes.

Human behavior has been the same for a thousand generations. Some people's lives are like a roller coaster, up and down. Other lives are like an escalator, moving upward. Some lives are like a moving sidewalk. Then there are the lives of the warriors, like a Merry go Round, round and round they go, always seeing the same death, debt and destruction.

People who use force as a means to an end never understand that force is community property and can be used against them. It is a specious argument that force can be used for good. Each side then can use force on the other, claiming they are doing good. The hubris displayed by dominant groups today is a path to defeat. It only takes one dissident with a match to wreak havoc on a population. Theodore Kaczynski was a unabomber who was not caught for 15 years. John Allen Muhammad, the sniper in the Washington, D. C. area, kept millions of people terrified so they did not want to leave their homes. When States operate using force and violence as their means to grow and gain power, they will meet resistance, always.

I don't believe the hysteria delivered by the neo warriors that 20 or 30 years from now the Muslims will take over Europe and eventually rule the world. The greatest political event of the past 50 years, the collapse of the Soviet Union, was not predicted. Reason will not change radical Muslims, but time will. New generations of young people will seek a new path and identity. Predicting the future is a pastime for charlatans who collect a fee from the gullible and naive.

Bilbo Baggins


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