Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Clan Consequences

"History never repeats itself ,as most people fear. People usually repeat history."
-Divine Chikobvu

Anne Bobroff-Hajal wrote an opinion in the Christian Science Monitor on December 26, 2006 titled "Why cousin marriage matters in Iraq". Bobroff-Hajal described the purpose of cousin marriages were to promote the strength of the clan. As a result the clans are fighting each other.

It seems that people have tried to belong to a tribe or clan throughout human history. Individuals seem to look at a clan as a pack that can be used for protection. People belong to the clan because of self interest, but also there is often too much family pressure to escape the clan.

Most clans have an alpha male and an alpha female. These are the people who benefit the most from a clan. Other subordinates are in support roles, hoping to become the alphas.

Many members see the clan as community property where each member hopes to get more from the clan than they put in. This indicates clans are similar to communism where members are expect to share. People in Iraq see democracy as a threat to the clan and its benefits.

In the United States the government has become the clan. People no longer have large families. Women look to the government as their husband/protector/provider. The woman does not have to compromise or negotiate. All she does is promise her vote at each election. Even though we have a democracy where the individual is supposed to be the most important, the communist word, "equal", has become a more powerful word in the Western democracies than "individual liberty".

Tribalism has always held groups back. Democracy that is operated for the good of the group instead of the good of individual liberty, will retard progress.

Bilbo Baggins


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