Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Central Asia Institute

I wrote this in August 2006- "Young Iranian women should have powerful and independent females as role models such as; PepsiCo's CEO Indra K. Nooyi, Avon Products' CEO Andrea Jung, and Archer Daniels Midland's CEO Patricia Woertz. Muslim women would prefer to have fewer children if their culture permitted such practice. Show Muslim women how liberated they can be if they have the birth control pill. This change in a generation of Muslim women will began to shatter the support for Islam."

I wrote this in July 19, 2008. "The Internet, cell phones, and feminism will change Islam".

This organization, Central Asia Institute, is a non profit organization that builds schools in Afghanistan. The schools are mostly for girls. Of the current student population of 58,000, girls account for 40,000 of the students.

This process of educating girls will be the downfall of tribal Islam, and polygamy. Muslim women will no longer want to share a man. They will want, like western women, one man to be their own servant.

These young girls will be told that they can be all they want to be, without the men and families. They will be told there is nothing they cannot achieve, even alone. They will be told that all they need is a benevolent government to look after them and make men support women and children. That will be the downfall of Islam and its tribalism.

This process of changing Islam will take a generation. It can be done without billions spent on the violent USA Military Nation. It can be done with voluntary organizations like the Central Asia Institute, cell phones, and the Internet.

I would suggest that the Central Asia Institute send young Jewish, Buddhists, and Christian girls to the schools with the young Muslim girls. The curriculum should not promote any religion, but just teach some history of religions. These girls would then bond and when they become adults they could be used as mediators in international disputes.

"The revelation of thought takes men out of servitude into freedom". Ralph Waldo Emerson

Charles Tolleson

Changing Strategy in War, Again

(By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer Matthew Lee, Associated Press Writer – Sun Jul 18, 2010
ISLAMABAD – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton started a South Asia tour on Sunday aimed at refining the goals of the nearly 9-year-old war in Afghanistan and pushing neighboring nations to work together in the fight against al-Qaida and Taliban extremists.)

After 9 years of fighting a losing war in Afghanistan the U.S. is changing strategy, again. Billions continue to be spent. Billions of borrowed dollars are spent that will diminish the power of the empire the same way past empires have lost their power.

The goal in Afghanistan is so illusive the government will never win. A couple of years from now the government will have another PLAN, and another goal that is obfuscated by flowering oratory.

Vali Nasr, a State Department official said, "We're beginning to see movement, but this is not going to happen overnight," he said. "We're not going to be able to get them aligned over a one-year time period on every single issue and change 30 years of foreign policy of Pakistan on a dime."

On every single issue! Notice the psychological preparation of the American minds that this project will take a long, long time! As long as there are ISSUES that are "unresolved" there will be an excuse for the Military Nation to exist and to continue their plunder of the American taxpayer.

The goals are always the same because of the innate behavior of humans. The goal is to dominate. Humans have a desire to dominate. It's in our genes. We believe that to dominate others we have a better chance of surviving and sowing our seeds. We even want to dominate in individual relationships. Most people think they have to control others in order to control themselves. They know others think the same way, and the Merry Go Round continues.

To think we are going to dominate a part of the world that is thousands of years older than the USA is ludicrous. Those people have a history they are proud of and for us to go there and say we are going to dominate them and change their culture to be like ours is pure fantasy. They will resist for a thousand years, just as you would resist if they invaded your country, kicked down your doors, and killed your women and children in order to transform your culture to be like theirs.

From the beginning I have been against both the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War. Bring our troops home, all of them, from Germany, Okinawa, South Korea, and other places. Stop spending on the Military Nation. Use our military for defensive purposes only, not for nation building in other countries.

Al-Qaida is now in Somalia more than in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. keeps chasing a moving target when they chase al-Qaida. What will happen when a group in the USA says they are al-Qaida? You will see more power to the State as people wail for more safety and less liberty.

America should lead by example, not by blackmail, bribery, force, and intimidation. People used to want to immigrate to America because she was the land of liberty and opportunity, not a land of foreign interventions, welfare, and thousands of laws. Let's bring back America, the America that was a land of real liberty.

"Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens will be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth. I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to peace." ~Charles Sumner

Charles Tolleson

Monday, July 12, 2010

KAMPALA, Uganda, Terrorist Bombing

Uganda, a Christian country, had a terrorist bombing in July 2010 that killed 74 people. The attack came from a nearby Muslim country, Somali. The Christian country had been killing Muslims in Somali. The Christian country had "peacekeepers" in the Muslim country. One of the victims in the bombing in Uganda was from a church group in Pennsylvania spreading the word of God. (At least three of the wounded were in a church group from Pennsylvania)

Another group was also spreading the word of God.

(Invisible Children, a San Diego, California-based aid group that helps child soldiers, identified the dead American as one of its workers, Nate Henn, who was killed on the rugby field. Henn, 25, was a native of Wilmington, Delaware.

"He sacrificed his comfort to live in the humble service of God and of a better world," the group said.)

"We warned Uganda not to deploy troops to Somalia; they ignored us," said Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage, al-Shabab's spokesman. "We warned them to stop massacring our people, and they ignored that. The explosions in Kampala were only a minor message to them. ... We will target them everywhere if Uganda does not withdraw from our land."

The Christian country had received aid from the United States and carried out joint military exercises with the U.S. The Muslim country is bordered by Kenya and Ethiopia, two Christian countries.

Somehow war and violence is inevitable. We have a primitive genetic disposition to dominate others so we can survive and procreate. We have a primitive desire to protect our own family and tribe so we can again, survive and see our seeds sown. Mother Nature is a harsh mistress.

If we eliminate al-Qaida in one country they will just arise in another. A handful of al-Qaida can drive the U.S. crazy and cause Amercia to go bankrupt.

“Democracy don't rule the world, You'd better get that in your head; This world is ruled by violence, But I guess that's better left unsaid.”

Bob Dylan

Charles Tolleson

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Paul Krugman wants the government to spend more

Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman is a purebred Keynesian. He wants the government to "throw the kitchen sink" at the economy.

July 6, 2010 (Bloomberg) -- Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman said the U.S. should have a “kitchen-sink strategy” that uses all fiscal and monetary policies possible to prevent the economy from sliding back into a recession.

“We are looking at what could be a very long siege here,” Krugman said in an interview today in Princeton, New Jersey, with Carol Massar of Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” “We really are at a stage where we should have a kitchen-sink strategy. We should be throwing everything we can get at this.”

What the advocates of Keynes' government spending policies fail to say is that Keynes thought government spending should be reduced in good times. As the chart at the top of this column shows this has not happened. Even in good times government bureaucrats and programs are so entrenched they cannot be reduced.

President Obama has created the National Export Initiative to create jobs that export goods and services. The President makes a good speech but as usual the government talks great but only delivers force, aggression, or intimidation. The government always has a PLAN to solve the economic problems, and social problems, and environment problems, and on and on the PLANS go.

If the central planners want to create jobs they should reduce the rules and regulations that impede investments. They should eliminate the minimum wage and the EEOC rules. They should eliminate the licensing requirements to become a barber, manicurist, and even a doctor. They should reduce the length of time unemployment benefits are paid. The central planners should stop taxing producers and stop rewarding non producers.

"Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist.” John Maynard Keynes

Charles Tolleson

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Missed PTA Meetings of Parents

An Associated Press story on July 6, 2010, "Missed meetings could mean jail time for parents" is about a Detroit area prosecutor Kym Worthy who wants to jail parents for 3 days if they continue to miss parent teacher conferences.

What is a parent teacher conference? It is a meeting between a government employee, many who do not have children, and parents. The meeting is an opportunity for the government employee to advise the parents of their responsibilities.

Prosecutor Worthy blames parents for the crimes of their children. Worthy thinks by making parents visit government employees, teachers, and listening to the teachers, will help prevent crimes committed by children.

The cause of teenage crime is the government policies that make it unnecessary for mothers to have a child's father in the house to help raise the child.

The more government screws up the more they look to blame others for the problems government policies create. With teenage crime on the rise the government wants to use force and aggression, that's all government is, on parents.

The government has the authority to make your children attend government schools. Now the government wants the authority to make parents attend to teachers' advice.

"Academies that are founded at public expense are instituted not so much to cultivate men's natural abilities as to restrain them." - Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677)

Charles Tolleson

Monday, July 05, 2010

Iraqi Widows

If the women of Iraq and, women of the world want to stop war, they should do as the Greek women did to stop the Peloponnesian War. Led by Lysistrata, the Greek women decided to withhold sex until Athens and Sparta men stopped war. The sex strike was successful.

But men who kill other men look at having all these women available as a good opportunity to sow their seeds. This is one reason men kill other men.

Charles Tolleson

BAGHDAD - Three decades of wars, massacres and sectarian killings have left Iraq with as many as a million widows, by Iraqi government count. Hameeda Ayed is one of them.

At 45, with three children, she is part of a vast sisterhood in a tortured land, and for the more than 100,000 who lost their husbands in the U.S.-led invasion and violent aftermath, the struggling postwar government is of little help.

Ayed is entitled to 150,000 dinars (about $130) a month from the government, plus 15,000 dinars (about $12) for each of her children. But after two years of chasing after official papers and signatures on her application, having no friends in high places to grease the wheels for her, she says she is giving up; the endless standing in line was making her neglect the children, aged 10, 12 and 15.

So she makes ends meet by selling snacks and sodas from her home in a Shiite enclave of southern Baghdad where she moved from a Sunni area after her husband died in the tit-for-tat killings of 2007.

"Our life has been turned into misery and desperation," she said. "This is what we got from occupation and the dreams of democracy: orphans, widows, homeless, displaced and fugitives."

Sunday, July 04, 2010

In Afghanistan to 'Win"

KABUL, Afghanistan – Gen. David Petraeus boldly declared "we are in this to win" Sunday as he took command of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan at a time of skepticism over a counterinsurgency strategy he himself pioneered and confusion over goals in an increasingly violent war.

Gen. Petraeus said it well. The war in Afghanistan is about nothing but victory. The war is a racket, to help careers and the military industrial nation, but it is not about defending the U.S.

The war in Afghanistan has become some overtime super bowl game that has only one goal, winning, whatever that means. I'm sure there is no coherent definition of what victory would mean.

Not to win would mean at least a draw, or another defeat, like in Vietnam. The tribe's ego would be shattered if the world's largest military cannot defeat a few radicals.

"After years of war, we have arrived at a critical moment,"
Petraeus said. "We must demonstrate to the Afghan people — and to the world — that al-Qaida and its network of extremist allies will not be allowed to once again establish sanctuaries in Afghanistan from which they can launch attacks on the Afghan people and on freedom-loving nations around the world."

Ha! The al-Qaida is a figment of Petraeus' imagination. There are a few dozen in Afghanistan. There are probably more al-Qaida in the U.S. than in Afghanistan. When you get rid of al-Qaida in Afghanistan they will sprout up in other countries. This will be other opportunities for the USA Foreign Legion to grow and prosper.

These words from the Declaration of Independence on this day, July 4, 2010, will inspire the revolutionaries of Afghanistan.- "He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns. . . . He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compete the work of death, desolation and tyranny . . ."

Do you feel independent on this Independence Day when you have over 400 federal departments and agencies, state, county and city laws telling you what you can, cannot, and must do?

The haughtiness of Americans celebrating Independence Day makes it look like the Americans actually believe they fought as insurgent militants for their independence against King George in 1776.

Happy Big Government Day, July 4, 2010

Charles Tolleson

Thursday, July 01, 2010

U.S. is provoking Iran

The U.S. is provoking Iran, again. The U.S. has provoked other countries in the past. It's what bullies do.

According to a report at DEBKAfile on June 28, 2010, the U.S. has 3 aircraft carriers and 10,000 marines off the coast of Iran in the Persian Gulf. A fourth aircraft carrier is further west in the Arabian Sea.

"debkafile's military sources report that Washington has posted a third carrier opposite Iran's shores. It is supported by amphibious assault ships and up to 4,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel, bringing the total US strength in these waters to three carriers and 10,000 combat personnel."

I wonder how the U.S. would feel is some country that has ten times the military power of the U.S. had its navy and marines cruising of the coasts of the U.S.

The U.S. action is another act of provocation. The U.S. will lie about some incident in the waters near Iran, like the U.S. lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident. This is a taunting, like using the RMS Lusitania, which led to her sinking by the Germans. The U.S. will lie about some fictitious incident which will give the U.S. the excuse to attack Iran.

General Smedley Butler wrote War is a Racket. General Butler proposed a constitutional amendment that would limit our navy to operate within 500 miles of our coasts, except for humanitarian aid. 2. The vessels of the United States Navy, or of the other branches of the armed service, are hereby prohibited from steaming, for any reason whatsoever except on an errand of mercy, more than five hundred miles from our coast.

Why does the U.S. insist on meddling in other people's countries? What will it take to get the war lovers to say, "O.K. The world is at peace so we can bring all of our troops home from; Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Okinawa, Guam, The Philippines, etc, etc. What conditions would satisfy the war lovers? If you asked them they would give some impossible condition. The ego of bullies and empire builders can never be satiated.

They cannot imagine a world were the war lovers are not needed. A world were international incidents are settled in a court of law, like individual incidents. The war lovers need the military nation so a colonel can retire with 30 years of service at age 53 and collect a pension close to $85,000 per year, with a cost of living raise, and excellent medical insurance.

The military nation meets some of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, i.e. to feel needed and respected.

Have you seen any positive media images of Iran? If you see any Iranian images from the U.S. mainstream media they are of anti American crowds or negative images of Iran. I saw a Rick Steves travel program on PBS about Iran. The scenes and the interviews showed the Iranian people in a positive image.

"All men are enamoured of decorations...they positively hunger for them." Napoleon

Charles Tolleson