Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Young Warrior Looks for an Enemy

"The instinctive need to be the member of a closely knit group fighting for common ideals may grow so strong that it becomes inessential what these ideals are." -Konrad Lorenz

There was a letter on some blogs, supposely written by Lt. Tom Cotton from Baghdad to the New York Times. The letter was chastising the NYT for exposing the leak of the government tracking banking transfers. I have little doubt about the positive character of Lt. Tom Cotton, if he exists. From what little I know of him, which is only written by Scott Johnson at Lt. Cotton seems like a son any parent could be proud of.

I noticed Lt. Cotton, like many young men, is looking for an enemy to fight. ("he hopes to be sent where there are enemies to fight."). Good brave men need to prove themselves, otherwise they are like a championship caliber ball team with no one to play against. I am sure Lt. Cotton will also be promoted to captain, soon.

--In January 2005, Hillsdale College President Larry Arnn wrote a glowing letter to the Army supporting Lt. Cotton's requested assignment to the infantry, stating that "he hopes to be sent where there are enemies to fight." Arnn added: "If you send him to fight I will pray for him, that he may be preserved to do all that he is able. That is very much."--

President Arnn is the typical war spectator, no matter which side, urging the young warriors to fight. Each side praying to their gods to make them victorious. If our gods answered our prayers we would all be dead because each side will pray for something horrible to happen to their enemies.

Humans claim to be the highest forms of the animal kingdom. Yet humans seem most likely, of all animal species, to enjoy killing their own kind. From the ancient human sacrifices and Roman gladiator competitions to our own violent sports, we humans seem to have some innate desire or pleasure in killing each other. Maybe the death of others simple shows the value and joy we have for our own life.

Young males in most animal species have a natural desire to mate, therefore they need to eliminate other male competitors. It is nature at her best, or worst. Is this why only 3% of U. S. Fatalities in Iraq are female? In Vietnam there were 8 females killed and 58,000 males. Still the political correct term is, "The men and women killed in Vietnam", as if they were killed equally. Were women killed equally in war to men, war would cease.

Somehow we males always find a reason, or excuse, to kill each other. I guess we think our odds of finding a mate will improve if we kill off the competition.

Instead of fighting each other, we need to fight what makes us fight.

Charles Tolleson