Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, November 27, 2009

George Washington's Thanksgiving Proclamation

The George Washington Thanksgiving Proclamation was sent to one of my discussion groups. It was also presented by Rush Limbaugh.

The attempt was to promote God, a god that does not exist. Just because someone believed something 200 years ago does not make it a fact. Instead of reading the Bible these believers should read John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding.

George Washington said in his proclamation, "Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God". Though not a law, that seems like the government promoting religion. How many tyrants have said their subjects must obey the different gods of the past; Ra, Odin, Allah, Vishnu, Huitzilopochtli, etc., etc.

Mr. Washington seemed to be saying the government is blessed by God so therefore the government is good. God is validating the government, an organization that operates only by force and coercion, so people should be compliant and cooperative with the government tyrants.

I will not worship a god unless he or she presents themselves to me. Why should I listen to gods' promoters and enforcers? Let god talk to me. Does he speak hundreds of languages? Let him hold a press conference in each country and speak in their native language and tell us all how to live without war, violence and disease.

Washington went on to say, "And also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations". It never ceases to amaze me how many people are willing to supplicate themselves before a myth. How can Washington or any other person pay such tribute to a god they claim is omniscient and benevolent, that would create a specie that creates so much horror and destruction.

The god believers would say god is testing us to see if we are worthy. Why would anyone worship such a torturer? Why did god wait thousands of years to create electricity and modern medicines? Their god actually tests us with pain, suffering, and war to see if we are worthy! I suppose god created all those diseases, viruses and bacteria just to test us these past thousands of years.

Instead of thanking god for our bounty on Thanksgiving, we should thank ourselves for our own production and efforts. Debi Ghate has a column about celebrating Thanksgiving the Ayn Rand way.

Charles Tolleson, Realist

Monday, November 16, 2009

Bring the troops home, all of them

The California Democratic Party approved a resolution to get out of Afghanistan. "Overwhelmingly approved on Sunday by the California Democratic Party's 300-member statewide executive board, the resolution is titled "End the U.S. Occupation and Air War in Afghanistan."

The resolution supports "a timetable for withdrawal of our military personnel" and calls for "an end to the use of mercenary contractors as well as an end to air strikes that cause heavy civilian casualties."

I have been against our foreign invasions. I was against the Iraq invasion. I think we should bring all of our troops home from all the foreign countries. This will reduce the number of dead and wounded.

The best way to treat our veterans is to create fewer veterans! The current budget would then provide more money per veteran to the current veterans and their dependents. More military personnel survive battlefield wounds because of body armor, helicopter evacuations, and good medicine. These increasing numbers of surviving vets, and their dependents are a growing cost of these unnecessary wars.

The Military Industrial Nation does not want to withdraw from all the unnecessary foreign bases and missions. They want the promotions and power that goes with war.

We try to use force to change a country and culture. This procedure will fail. It always does. We used force on the American Indians and they are still angry. Even after more than 100 years of defeat, some Indian tribes are asking for their own nation. Mexican natives still resent Cortez, 500 years after his use of force.

The use of force on others only creates obedience and resentment.

How much force will it take to win over the native cultures of Islam? More than we are willing to use. It will require so much force the rest of the world will hate us for using so much force. They already think we use too much force.

And what will victory look like if we ever win? Will the Afghans all like us, or will they always play the victim role and want more from us in the form of blackmail, guilt blackmail that will make us feel better.

Our use of unnecessary force works against us. Power allows us hubris and arrogance, which will do us harm.

Time and technology will change the Islamic culture like it changed the Christian culture. Cell phones, the birth control pill, and the Internet will destroy the tribal power in Islam the way it destroyed the family in America.

"A 23-year-old woman from Bahrain says the complexity of who she is as a Muslim is being distorted by extremists and the media coverage of them.
Channeling her frustration, she started, a Web site she describes as a place for young people in the region to "show a different side of our religion" and discuss topics big and small, taboo and not.

She represents a generation of Muslims who are using technology to express themselves, connect with others, challenge traditional power structures and create an identity in an era when Islamic extremists often grab the headlines."

Charles Tolleson

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Obama to "Fix" airline industry

The Obama administration is going to fix the ailing airline industry.

It is not the role of the government to fix an industry that is providing a service at a reasonable price to the consumer. There is plenty of competition. If anything is wrong in the industry it is the way the Transportation Security Administration treats the passengers. Fix that Mr. President.

The airline unions are calling in their chips to the Obama Administration. What can the government do to "fix" the airline industry and make it provide better service at a lower cost to the consumer? Nothing.

What can the government do to help the unions, who called for this forum? That is the purpose of the meeting, to help the unions, not the industry.

The government can restrict competition, thus making the consumer pay more so the entrenched union employees never lose their jobs through the creative destruction process of bankruptcy in a free market.

The airline industry is safer than it has been in the past, so safety is not an issue. The unions however will use safety as a scare tactic and say pilots and flight attendants are fatigued from longer hours of work. The unions will lobby to get the hours pilots and flight attendants can be on duty reduced. Government works only on the use of force. If the pilots were dangerous from fatigue, the accident rate would go up, not down.

By making it harder for startup airlines to get licensing the government will restrict competition. Since deregulation of 1978, the competition created by startups has kept the cost of airline tickets down. Pilot salaries are actually less now than they were in 1995.

(Air travel analyst Terry Trippler conducted a random survey of schedules and airfares comparing ticket prices of today with those from 25 years ago for 27 different cities.

When 1982 prices are adjusted for inflation, Trippler found that today's prices are actually lower.

In 1982 there were three roundtrip flights from Boston to Los Angeles, with the lowest fare costing $298. Adjusted for inflation, that ticket should cost $635 today, but Trippler found that, not only are there nine roundtrip flights instead of three, the lowest fare was just $199.

Flying from New York to Miami? In the eighties there were 21 flights, with the lowest fare costing $188. That same ticket should cost $400 in 2007, but Trippler found that the lowest fare was actually $158 and there are now 25 nonstop flights).

The government will make it harder for pilots and mechanics to get a license. Right now a pilot can become an airline pilot if she is 23 years old and has 1500 hours and has passed the tests. Not even a high school diploma is required. The 1500 hours can be accumulated is less than 2 years. This makes it possible for the supply of pilots to be abundant. Raise those requirements to 8 years of college, like doctors require, and you will make it too expensive to become a pilot, thus fewer pilots, which like the restricted supply of doctors, pilot salaries will remain high. Raise the experiences required to become a mechanic and you reduce the number of mechanics.

The government will require more flight attendants on flights. This will help protect entrenched employees.

Charles Tolleson

Obama administration seeks to fix airline industry
By JOAN LOWY, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – The Obama administration is taking its first step toward trying to fix the ailing airline industry, mired in a severe economic slump and facing safety worries.

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is holding a forum Thursday to discuss the state of the industry and ways government can help provide economic stability for air carriers. The industry has been rocked by repeated crises in recent years, including the 9/11 terror attacks, the SARS virus and the current economic downturn.

"U.S. aviation is facing severe economic uncertainty and an open and frank conversation will help begin a continuing dialogue about the industry's future," transportation spokeswoman Sasha Johnson said.

LaHood's invitation to aviation stakeholders says the forum, which is closed to the public and the media, was organized at the request of the AFL-CIO's Transportation Trades Department.

Pat Friend, president of the Association of Flight Attendants, said she doesn't favor returning to the type of government supervision that existed before airline deregulation in 1978.

"But, there are some areas where we think you can tweak the deregulation," she said.

Airlines are extremely wary of any discussion of a return to economic regulation. They contend they are already heavily regulated and taxed.

Airline deregulation has been regarded as a success for consumers because airfares have declined. But other trends have raised concerns about whether airlines are offsetting low fares at the expense of safety.

A report last year by a government watchdog said nine large U.S. airlines farm out 70 percent of major maintenance. Overseas repair shops handled one-quarter of the work, challenging the ability of U.S. inspectors to determine whether it is done properly, the report said.

Major airlines have also farmed out short-haul trips to regional carriers, which now account for half of all domestic flights. Regional airlines often hire pilots with significantly less experience and pay lower wages than major airlines. Both issues have been raised in the National Transportation Safety Board's investigation of the crash of Continental Connection Flight 3407, which crashed near Buffalo, N.Y., in February, killing 50 people. The flight was operated for Continental by regional carrier Colgan Air Inc. of Manassas, Va.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

The House passes health care

The House just passed a health care bill. The vote was 220 for and 215 against. The bill passed by a whopping 50.57%! Hardly a mandate, but, the other 49.43% must comply with the bill. We call that representative government.

If you like The Department of Motor Vehicles, the government schools, the U.S. Postal Service, the health care the veterans get at the VA hospitals, if you like government power, if you like someone else telling you which doctor you will be assigned to, and which clinic/hospital you will use, then you will love the government run health care system.

If Canada and Europe can survive with universal health care, I suppose the United States can also.

As the government takes over more and more of your life you might like to read the late Harry Browne's book, "How I Found Freedom In and Unfree World".

Charles Tolleson

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Living for 500 years

I was thinking about how, in my dotage, I have become bored with things I was excited about when I was younger. I wondered what it would be like to live 500 years. How bored would we get? Could we watch the news and see the politicians pontificating for 500 years? Could you still get excited about holiday celebrations?

Would you continue for decades with the morning traffic, work place politics, and the desire to get ahead, or would you relax and become a user of the free government housing, food, and health care?

How many divorces would you go through before you realized that present love is no guarantee of future love. Would you ever realize you cannot predict your future feelings? If you cannot predict your future feelings, why do you take up a fool's errand and try to predict the future feelings of someone else?

Then I wondered how we would act if we could be 21 years old for 500 years. Would our hormones continue to overrule our reason, or would our combined years of experiences turn into wisdom, wisdom that would control our emotions?

And how would the 21 year old react when he heard he was going to be drafted, again, for yet another war? Or would old men who start unnecessary wars get tired of war after 500 years of wars and live in peace instead of war?

Bilbo Baggins

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Government School Property vs Commercial Property

According to an article in the Wall Street Journal of Oct 30 2009, the average school cost per student in New Jersey is about $18,000 per year. Some school districts' per student cost is higher than $18,000 per year!

Imagine how much more efficient the education system would be if it was privatized.

It will never be privatized because of the teachers and other special interest groups; book publishers, athletics, working mothers, and people who just want the government to raise their kids.

Short of privatization, the next best way would be to give each parent in New Jersey a school voucher for $9,000 per child per year. This is half the cost of the government run schools. The parent could keep the money for their expenses and home school their child. Imagine if a parent had two children and $18,000 per year to home school their little ones. How difficult is it to teach a child to read and write?

Parents could also use the $9,000 to hire a tutor or spend it on a private school. They should be able to hire anyone, even someone without a teacher's license, to teach their little ones how to read and write.

Government schools are inefficient because the government school buildings are not used as much as private commercial property. Many government schools are open around 185 short days per year. Compare that to commercial property at a shopping mall, or a WalMart store that is open 365 days per year, almost twice the days of government schools, and WalMart property is operated more hours per day than the government schools. WalMart gets much more utilization from their property than the government schools get from their property. Government can get away with this inefficiency because it operates on force, and force only. WalMart has to operate on persuasion, and against competition. The government schools are monopolies, except the small competition from private schools, where parents have to pay twice for their kids. They pay private tuition and they pay property taxes for the government schools.

Charles Tolleson