Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Seat Belt Laws

The San Jose Mercury News had a story on Oct 19, 2012 titled "Dumb Tickets Leave Bay Area Drivers Fuming". One CHP person told about how he wrote a ticket for a driver not having his seat belt buckled. The driver was fuming. A year later the driver was wearing his seat belt and was saved from injury when in an accident. The driver wrote to thank the CHP person for making him wear his seat belt.

The seat belt law is unnecessary. It is force used by the State pack that is used to collect revenue for the State pack. When the State rule enforcers make you pay for not wearing your seat belt while driving two blocks in a 25 mile per hour speed zone it has nothing to do with safety but everything to do with collecting revenue for the enforcers. The more rules, the more enforcers, with good pay and early retirement benefits.

The seat belt law was also lobbied and put in place by the insurance industry to help reduce their payouts in accidents. The insurance industry uses the State pack to enforce some rule the insurance industry wants. If there was no law the insurance industry's contract could specify the insured must wear a seat belt and the insurance company could simply not pay for injuries sustained by someone who was not wearing their seat belts in and accident. Of course this would make the insurance industry look callous for not paying the insurance claim of someone who was injured, even though the injured person was not living up to the terms of the insurance contract. If this procedure was in place you would find people voluntarily complying with the terms of the insurance contract.

The humanitarians will tell you they are using force and coercion on me, for my own good, by forcing me to wear seat belts. "The desire to do good is most often the desire to rule others."- H.L. Mencken.

If you get a ticket for driving without your seat belt fastened your insurance rates may go up for this infraction. This is another way the insurance industry profits from this law.

When I leave my house I feel like I am going into a prison because there are so many laws telling me what I must do and what I am prohibited from doing. Still I see people singing, with tears in their eyes, the National Anthem words at a ball game,- "O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!" Do they really believe they are free? Of course they believe it. The believer is happy. "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

If you were free, really free, you could opt out of the law and have a sticker on your license plate indicating you were not required to buckle up, and if necessary, pay a higher insurance premium for the freedom. The humanitarians do not want you to be free.

The humanitarians ask you to give them your power so they can tell you what to do so you will be safe. Don't do it! Don't let them be your nanny that treats you as if you are a child. Don't give them your power to do good because when they have your power to do good they can also do evil, which is what people with power have done most often throughout history.

Charles Tolleson, The Oppressed


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