Laws of Might
How many laws are there on the books prohibiting you from doing something because you "might" do harm to yourself or to another? No matter how many there are, one is too many. The law should only be used to punish you for harming someone. Any other laws are usually done to satisfy one group's predisposition to tell everyone how to live, or to give the government mob power to make us all subjects who have to submit.
The law currently gives the state too much power. There are so many laws we need too many enforcers. Too many people say, "There ought to be a law-" and thus a new law is created.
Frederic Bastiat's book, The Law, says that most laws are perverted. Bastiat thought most laws were legal plunder. Ask yourself, Bastiat wrote, does the law benefit one group at the expense of another group.
Too many laws are on the books because you "might" harm yourself or someone else. This is like the State acting as if it is our Nanny, telling us how to live our lives. We are not considered intelligent enough to do what we think is safe.
There are laws on the books that say you cannot ride a motorcycle without a wearing a helmet because you "might" harm your 'self". You no longer own your "self". The government mob now owns you.
Most people go along with these laws that take away your freedom because they would rather be promised safety instead of freedom.
We live in a crowded society. Unlike previous generations who lived in rural areas and seldom saw anyone, let alone a policeman or code enforcer, people today are living among millions of people in one city. The people feel like there should be rules to protect them and control human behavior, thus, the many laws that prohibit you from doing something that "might" harm another. The State cannot provide you 24 hour protection yet the police have the audacity to say they can, if you will only hire enough police people and pay them well.
People today do not know what freedom is. They are frightened of freedom because it means they are responsible for their own safety and welfare. To protect themselves they might even have to own a gun. Today they think a gun "might" harm them so they want to make guns illegal.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” ― Frédéric Bastiat, The Law
There are so many laws we now are subjects to the enforcers. We are terrorized by the laws and the enforcers but will not admit we have lost our freedoms. So many people have adapted to their slavery they remind me of Lord Byron's Prisoner of Chillon.
Patrick Henry, 1736-1799, said, "Give me liberty or give me death". When he uttered those words he could ride his horse to town carrying his gun, WITHOUT A LICENSE! He could go to town and start a business, WITHOUT A LICENSE! He could practice medicine, WITHOUT A LICENSE! He could build a house in town, WITHOUT A PERMIT.
What would Patrick Henry say if he could see how many freedoms we have given away? I suspect he would utter in dismay, "What did we fight the revolution for"?
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free". Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Charles Tolleson, Government Property
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