The Execution of Osama Bin Laden

By Charles Tolleson
May 2, 2011
President Obama took the stage, again, to announce the execution of Osama Bin Laden. President Obama said Al Qaeda, with Bin Laden as the leader, had declared war on the United States so the United States killed Bin Laden after searching for him for almost ten years at the expenditure of almost a trillion dollars and the loss of thousands of lives. Thanks to technology, The President and his staff watched the execution live. Humans love to watch violence.
No reason was given for Al Qaeda to declare war on the U.S. Could it be that we have supported tyrants in the Middle East and have supported Israel in her six decades long religious war that some in the Middle East would see us as a co conspirator to oppression?
Al Qaeda, a band of warriors that is no larger than a few hundred, and has no military air force, army or navy, has terrified the most powerful country in the world into giving up much of the citizens’ liberties for the sake of perceived safety from a threat that is minuscule.
Do you think Osama bin Laden would be found guilty of murder by a jury of "HIS" peers after hearing "ALL" the evidence presented by a good defense attorney in an unbiased court? What would a jury think after hearing all of the evidence against the U.S. murdering of innocent people and aiding tyrants. If after hearing the evidence he is found guilty, then, and only then, carry out the sentence. Instead, an unarmed Osama bin Laden was executed, in front of his 12 year old daughter, by a government employee of the United States.
Why do we think Americans,or people like us, are the only people precious enough to deserve a fair trial? If the U.S. is so noble and virtuous, let it lead by example, not force.
Humans are the only animals, besides their cousin the chimpanzee, that enjoys torturing and killing its own kind. Humans are the only animal that has the characteristic that defines sadism.
"If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, poet (1807-1882)
One of my favorite movies was "Twelve Angry Men". Eleven members of the jury were passionately convinced a young man accused of murder was guilty. The twelfth man, played by Henry Fonda, argued against a guilty verdict. After much debate the young man was found innocent.
Should not all people have a fair trial when accused of a crime? How many innocent people have been murdered in wars the past nine years by the government mob's hired mercenaries? What's to stop a President from ordering his hit men to murder me, or millions of others, without a trial? Congress certainly will not stop him.
Some are saying the death of Bin Laden will end the war in Afghanistan. The murder of Bin Laden will also make President Obama look good as a leader and increase his chance for re-election in 2012. That’s why he made the announcement instead of having his press secretary make the announcement.
The murder of Bin Laden by U.S. government employees caused a huge celebration by members of the American tribe. They are giddy with hubris and again saying the American Tribe is number one! This idolatry of the State and the use of force will insure there will be plenty of young men who want to join the government mercenaries and claim glory, nice pensions after 20 years, and the wonderful GI Bill that allows dependents to go college.
The murdering of Bin Laden will not change the war on terror. The State will grow more and more powerful with the excuse it is keeping us safe from Al Qaeda, who has emerged with a new and more powerful leader to carry on with the same mission.
I predict the war on terror will not change. I believe more people in the world hate us now than before 9/11. We have killed thousands of innocent people and freedom fighters in the wars of the past 9 years. Those who were killed have left families and friends who want revenge. Just imagine how the families and citizens of the U.S. wanted revenge after 9/11. Those thousands killed in the war on terror by the U.S. have tens of thousands of families and friends who want revenge on the U.S. bully, and they will not rest until they have been avenged. President Obama and the military nation leaders knew there would be aroused anger from the death of Bin Laden, which would lead to more attacks on the U.S. This will insure the sheep will be fearful and will continue to give away their power to the State employees.
"Patriotism is proud of a country's virtues and eager to correct its deficiencies; it also acknowledges the legitimate patriotism of other countries, with their own specific virtues. The pride of nationalism, however, trumpets its country's virtues and denies its deficiencies, while it is contemptuous toward the virtues of other countries. It wants to be, and proclaims itself to be, "the greatest", but greatness is not required of a country; only goodness is." -Sydney J. Harris, journalist and author (1917-1986)
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