Government Planning for Climate Change
By Charles Tolleson
April 27, 2011
The above link is to a news story that writes- “WASHINGTON -- Climate change is likely to diminish already scarce water supplies in the Western United States, exacerbating problems for millions of water users in the West, according to a new government report.
A report released Monday by the Interior Department said annual flows in three prominent river basins – the Colorado, Rio Grande and San Joaquin – could decline by as much 8 percent to 14 percent over the next four decades. The three rivers provide water to eight states, from Wyoming to Texas and California, as well as to parts of Mexico.”
Four decades! 40 years! “Could decline”? The government can’t predict something accurately one or two years into the future? So how can they predict something 40 years into the future? The article uses a lot of suppositions such as, could and likely. Nothing definite, just possibilities.
The fear mongering is always a way to justify more bureaucracy, jobs, and power. “The report "affirms the urgency of the planning we are engaged in," Connor said at a news conference Monday. "We need to take actions now to plan" for changes that are likely to occur over the next several decades.”
The American people should read “The Science of Fear”, by Daniel Gardner, to realize how they are being manipulated into giving more and more power, slowly, to government employees. Central planning is a placebo for the masses and steroids for the planners.
“Nothing is so firmly believed as what is least known.” Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592)
There is no water shortage and there never will be. As water or other resources become scarce, women will have fewer babies. They already are, thanks to the birth control pill. Besides, humans can desalinate water. There is and will be a plentiful supply of the product, water, made simply of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. Stop worrying America! Believe in the "Ultimate Resource", human creativity.
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