Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Environmentalists Want Fewer Humans

I did a search of, “Environmentalists want fewer humans” and got over four hundred thousand hits. The environmentalists think too many humans are ruining Mother Gaia.

Environmentalists think there should be fewer humans so the other animals will have more food. They don’t mention how much food an elephant consumes. Do they want fewer elephants? What would they say if the Buffaloes return to cover the plains like they did in 1800 and consume all the crops?

The late Julian Simon debunked most of the myths about over population. Wired com had a good review of Simon’s work here.

The environmentalists might have more success if they advocated breeding miniature people like breeding miniature dogs and miniature horses. A Boeing 747 could carry twice the number of miniature people than normal people using the same amount of fuel. With miniature people cars could be smaller and highway lanes would double in quantity making traffic less congested. The Willis Tower in Chicago could have 220 floors instead of 110. Currently you can put 6 billion people in the state of Texas and each person would have 1100 square feet of land. If you have miniature people that means you could put 12 billion people in Texas and each would still have 550 square feet of land. If buildings were smaller to accommodate miniature people the cost of heating would be less. Miniature people would consume less food and other resources.

Miniature people would have more relative office space. “According to the International Facility Management Association, the average American office worker had 90 square feet of work space in 1994, but by 2010, that same worker was down to just 75 square feet of personal space in which to stretch out on the job.”

Miniature people will be able to lift more than their body weight using Iron Man Eco Skeletons.

I think the environmentalists should stop worrying about population increases and worry more about waistline increases. A welfare world is becoming obese.

The population will start to shrink as more women start using the birth control pill. Giving the choice of an independent career or tied down to commitments to others; a husband or children, women all over the world will choose to have only one child, or two children, or none at all. How many they choose will not be enough to replace the population.

Whether miniature or normal, the human body is a blob of atoms that are driven by desires and fears. After death the atoms slowly escape the blob and form other matter, even other blobs, and the cycle continues.

Charles Tolleson, Tall Blob


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