Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More Challenges for the Government Gang

True, it is evil that a single man should crush the herd, but see not there the worse form of slavery, which is when the herd crushes out the man.” Antoine De Saint-Exupery

In President Obama’s weekly radio address on January 15, 2010, he said, “After all, this is still a time of great challenges for us to solve. We've got to grow jobs faster, and forge a stronger, more competitive economy. We've got to shore up our budget, and bring down our deficits. We've got to keep our people safe, and see to it that the American Dream remains vibrant and alive for our children and grandchildren.

These are challenges I believe we can meet. And I believe we can do it in a way worthy of those who sent us here to serve.”

If you go back in history you cannot find a president who said differently. No president has ever said, “We have no challenges to solve”. All politicians and hucksters want you to believe they are the ones, and the only ones, not you, who can solve these challenges.

Mr. President, it is not for the government to solve people's problems. Yet many people believe it IS the job of the government to solve their problems. You, Mr. President, are not the President of a company that can create jobs by producing products and services that people voluntarily purchase. You, Mr. President, are the president of a gang that operates on force and aggression. You extract by force a portion of the producer's output. It is not a voluntary transaction between two individuals. It is a forced transaction between the government mob and one individual.

You do have the challenge of solving the problems, self induced problems, of the government gang. The gang simply spends too much and is infatuated with power. The gang gets well paid to carry on unnecessary wars. The gang gets well paid to create and enforce thousands and thousands of pages of rules and regulations designed to fool the people into a delusional state that they are safe, and free, in your hands.

So, why can your gang not reduce their extravagant spending? Could it be because you took it by force instead of earning it? Could it be because the money you spend is not your money, but the money of the hard working producers? You should be ashamed of yourself for pretending to be someone who cares about the American worker when what you care most about is power, and your legacy.

You and your gang risk nothing in trying to solve my challenges. I on the other hand do take risks in attempting to better myself. If I am successful at improving my lot then you and your gang will confiscate a portion of my success and, with a straight face, you quickly claim credit for my success.

I must complement President Obama for his opinion column in the Wall Street Journal of January 18, 2011 where President Obama said he has ordered a review of government regulations that stifle innovation and job creation. Obama is simply doing a Bill Clinton and moving to the center in preparation for his 2012 election.

To facilitate this reduction in bureaucracy the president should decertify the federal employees union. No need to review the regulations of many agencies and departments. Just eliminate them. There is no reason to have a federal Department of Education. We should repeal the UNaffordable“Affordable Health Care for America Act”, which barely passed the House of Representatives, passing by only 50.57%!

But, good luck with the federal bureaucracy. It will not yield control easily. The President's action is propaganda deflection. Two steps forward and one step back, and the government will grow, and grow, until it collapses. It created 80,000 pages of rules and regulations in 2010, in just one year. For citizens to deal with these regulations is a real CHALLENGE!

Rose Wilder Lane said it well in her book, “The Discovery of Freedom, Man's Struggle Against Authority” when Lane talked about the human energy of each individual trying and trying to improve their existences.

This is the human dilemma. Each individual is the source and control of human energy, but one individual can not generate enough energy. To live at all, and then to get the values that he wants in living, he must combine his energy with the energies of others. But in doing this, he always encounters an obstacle to the direct use of his energy to achieve his own desires. This obstacle is the problem of controlling the combined energies.”

So many, many people want to control others. They fear if they do not control others, those others will leave them behind. This is true, but, even if they are left behind, the output and energy of millions of humans will improve the lot of those left behind.

Mr. President, if you and your gang will get out of the way and stop trying to control the energies of millions of working people, and stop trying to build both a domestic and foreign empire, and just see to it that we have our natural rights protected, we will solve our own challenges. That is part of being human.

Charles Tolleson


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