Can Troops Get Too Much Love

By Charles Tolleson
November 13, 2010
I have written before about the excessive and unnecessary praise given to our military and police.
There was a Christian Science Monitor news story on November 10, 2010 by By Anna Mulrine titled “Can troops get too much love?”
The story describes the adulation troops receive as causing troops to feel haughty enough to disobey orders from civilian leaders, like President Obama and Defense Secretary Gates. Troops who are in charge in an Afghanistan village feel like they are the law. They think and act like they are “Warrior Kings”, said a retired major general.
When you tell someone you love them you give them your power, unless you give them tough love. You should not give your power to people who have bigger guns than you have. Even if you tell the Sheepdogs you love them, the Sheepdogs should always know their master is the electorate. Former President Harry Truman did the right thing when he fired General Douglas MacArthur for disobeying an order from the President.
It is certainly true that politicians start wars for unjust reasons and the military can always argue the policies of the civilians in Washington D.C. are policies of folly. That does not mean the policies would be more reasonable and intelligent if they were made by military personnel. Nor would we have fewer wars if the military personnel were in charge. It could be said that some experienced ex military people like former President Eisenhower would end wars; he ended the Korean War, and avoided other wars. President Eisenhower stayed out of Vietnam when the French asked for America’s help at Dien Bien Phu. But, one must remember, President Eisenhower was a civilian at the time he made the decisions to avoid war. His actions were based on campaign promises and the need to get votes for his re-election in 1956.
James Madison- “As the greatest danger to liberty is from large standing armies, it is best to prevent them by an effectual provision for a good militia.” (Notes of debates in the 1787 Federal Convention)
I think Madison’s concern was correct. Power also corrupts. The current U.S. Military Nation has too much power. It’s time to bring all U.S. troops home and downsize the military empire.
The danger of a military coup in the U.S. has been of no concern to the citizenry because the military has always reported to civilians who were up for re-election on a regular basis. But terror, the fear of terrorists, and the fear that Islam will take over the Christian world will create an opportunity for all kinds of evil.
If there is an attempted military coup in the U.S. there are millions of people who would support such a coup. All of those who hate President Obama would think having a “Warrior King” in charge would be a great thing. Those who would give up their liberty for a promise of order and protection should read, “The Discourse on Voluntary Servitude”, by Etienne De La Boetie, written in 1548.
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