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Sunday, November 21, 2010

War Propaganda

By Charles Tolleson
November 21, 2010

This is from an Associated Press news story of November 21, 2010. “Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula is promising more small-scale attacks like its attempts to bomb two U.S.-bound cargo planes, which it likens to bleeding its enemy to death by a thousand cuts, in a special edition of the Yemeni-based group's English on-line magazine, Inspire.”

I searched for the online magazine Inspire and could not find it. The information fed to the AP was from Ben Venzke's IntelCenter, and the Site Intelligence Group. Both sites are run by Jews who advise the U.S. government. What these two sites sell to the government, the mainstream media sells to the public.

Why cannot we see the Yemeni based group’s English online magazine, Inspire, the same way Site Intelligence Group sees the site? I suspect it is blocked from the American public. The best way to get the public’s support for an unnecessary war is to prevent anti war information being available. Max Fisher, a writer for The Atlantic, even said Inspire Magazine was a hoax, yet the government and media are deeply concerned.

May be the online magazine, Inspire, is a phony magazine set up by the CIA to keep the American public alarmed. A fearful public will insure the government mob maintains its monopoly on the security industry.

Throughout history warriors and chiefs have made war. Then they always had to justify war to the populace. The best way to get the populace’s support is to keep them fearful. Many people in the war industry get rich and powerful. The troops are “loved and supported.” Would you lie in order to be loved and supported?

But, as Randolph Bourne said, “War is the health of the State”. With war the State gains power and prestige. This power and the sense of privilege the government mob feels leads to lies and corruption. It leads to more propaganda to keep the populace sending in their taxes to support the government mob and its parasites in making war. The book, “Cultures of War”, by John Dower, shows that all wars are the same. They have nothing to do with duty and honor. They have more to do with irrational group behavior instead of logic. If one dissents from the group’s desire for war that dissenter is often labeled a traitor. This punishment of dissenters is why the worst rise to the top, as expressed by F.A. Hayek in his book, “The Road to Serfdom.”

An Irish proverb says, “The believer is happy, the doubter is wise”. People are happy when they believe their war is necessary and it is for their God or other humanitarian reasons. They would be miserable if they found out all the death, debt, and destruction was completely unnecessary, like the unnecessary Vietnam War that killed millions. As the Vietnam War continued many people did not believe the Vietnam War was necessary. Because of the draft and television coverage the war supporters declined. But the big reason support for the war declined was the Viet Cong never attacked the United States. Had the terrorists never carried out 9/11 or other attacks on U.S. targets there would be less support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The United States leaders are good at using their massive power to provoke an attack by a small country like Vietnam, North Korea, Panama, Grenada, The Balkans, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Once a small country strikes back then the U.S. leaders have their best raison d’être, WAR! The mighty United States leaders know the small country will not win a victory and put the U.S. leaders on trial for war crimes. The U.S. leaders do know their tribal members will need the leaders in a time of war, even if the war is unnecessary and there is no real threat of invasion by the small country the bully U.S. is at war with.

The best way to end war is to allow all countries to become members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Any country attacked would be defended by all the other countries.

Another way to end all wars is to have the United Nations declare all weapons, except the stone axe, as illegal in war. The only people who can be used to invade or attack another country will be females, using stone axes. Males and females can defend their country, using only stone axes, against any invaders or attackers. This rule would end the insanity that causes unnecessary wars because no leader would send a country’s females into such a war.

I dream of giving birth to a child who will ask, Mother, what was war? Eve Merriam


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