Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Airport Security

By Charles Tolleson
November 17, 2010

Recent stories about the airport scanners said there are complaints from the traveling public. Some tribal members are appalled at the scanners and the pat downs as an intrusion of privacy. Others in the tribe think giving up privacy for an “expectation” of safety is fine. One woman said she would get naked for an “expectation” of safety because it was necessary as there was nothing else to do to fight the terrorists. Lady, if you are willing to go that far to fight the terrorists then the terrorists have won! They are laughing at us and they never have to have another successful attack on the U.S. to keep us trembling.

Lady, there is something else we can do. We can bring all of our troops home. As long as The American Foreign Legion is invading, occupying and killing innocent people in other countries just to support Israel's decades long religious war the terrorists will fight back. One will notice the terrorists do not threaten Costa Rica or Brazil, both Christian countries. The reason they threaten the U.S. is because the U.S. threatens them. If you are willing to give up your privacy to fight terrorism, an idea, what would you do if their Islamic army was occupying your country? Would you become a terrorist and fight the invaders?

The woman who is willing to undress in front of government strangers for a promise of safety reminds me of the 1950s when school children were practicing hiding under their desks in case of a nuclear attack. A neighbor of mine had a cement bomb shelter built and stocked with supplies. It was a great placebo. I suppose it is still there, waiting to be used.

The lady who is willing to undress in front of government employees for the “expectation” of safety has a greater chance of being killed by her spouse than by a terrorist. About 500 people in the U.S. are killed each year by their spouses and partners. Since 9/11 there have been no citizens killed in the U.S. by terrorists.

In 2009, before the government mob started scanning us and putting their hands on our private parts, there were over 700 MILLION passengers that boarded airplanes to, and inside the United States. Not one passenger lost their life to a terrorist carrying a bomb on board. Yet, the meek and the fearful think these astronomical odds against a terrorist carrying a successful bomb on board justify giving up their freedoms.

Though there has not been a death in the U.S. by a foreign terrorist since 9/11, it is only a matter of time until another successful major terrorist attack on the U.S. due simply to the United States’ arrogant policy of trying to tell other people in other countries how to live. If the United States grounded all airplanes the terrorist would find other targets in the U.S. as long as the U.S. invades and kills people in other countries.

If the world was all one race, religion, and one government, there would still be young men who would want to make a big “explosion” to win glory and martyrdom. Timothy McVeigh went happily to his death knowing he was a martyr, loved and respected by others like him who hated big government.

If you give up your rights and air travel becomes perfectly safe from terrorists attacks the terrorists will just try softer targets, like the failed attempt at Times Square to set off a car bomb. After car bombs go off in crowded places the meek will then scream for all cars to be searched. When that fails to provide safety the meek will then demand for homes to be searched. They will give more of their power and freedom to the government mob for an "expectation" of safety. When their expectations are not met they will give yet more power and freedoms to the government mob and continue to wave the American flag and say America is the home of the free and land of the brave. Free people are not absolutely safe. Absolutely safe people are not free.

Since 9/11 there has been over 5 BILLION passenger enplanments to and within the U.S. Yet, not one passenger has lost their life to a terrorist carrying a bomb on board an airliner. Despite these odds passengers still are willing to give up their privacy for an illusion of safety.

In 1943 Abraham Maslow created his hierarchy of human needs pyramid. No where in the pyramid was the need for liberty and freedom. However, second in importance on his pyramid was safety. Our behavior and demands for safety prove Maslow was right.

Many people will pontificate about how our soldiers sacrifice to protect our freedoms. These same pontificators then meekly give those same freedoms away to the government mob.

The terrorists never threatened the U.S. until after 1948 when President Harry “Nuclear” Truman said Israel could take some Arab lands and form a Jewish state. This was in response to America’s guilt of not letting Jews immigrate to the U.S. from the Nazi persecutions in the 1930s.

“We kill because we are afraid of our own shadow, afraid that if we used a little common sense we'd have to admit that our glorious principles were wrong.” ~Henry Miller, The Wisdom of the Heart, 1941


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