Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior

The Wall Street Journal had a column on Jan 13, 2011 by Amy Chua on why Chinese mothers are superior to western mothers.

A better title to the column by Chua would have been "How Chinese Mothers Are Superior", not "Why". Amy Chua made some good points on "how" Chinese mothers raise their children but she failed to answer the question of "why".

I think the why is interesting. I believe Chinese mothers have a tradition in their culture of raising children to be productive instead of non productive. This is to provide for the elderly in their old age. This used to be how western mothers raised their children, to be productive, before Social Security and Medicare were created.

Another reason why Chinese mothers are superior is Chinese mothers have a lower divorce rate and single parenting than western mothers.

But make no mistake about the future of the current children of Chinese mothers. When they grow up and become producers they will become alarmed that the governments will take up to 50% of their production, by force! The producers will see the non producers getting a share of the production and will not raise their children that way the current generation of Chinese children are raised.

There are two ways to get something. You can produce it or take it from someone else. Humans try to get through life with more pleasure than pain. This is the basic cause of societies collapsing or remaining stagnant.

Charles Tolleson, The Happy Misanthrope


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