Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Living for 500 years

I was thinking about how, in my dotage, I have become bored with things I was excited about when I was younger. I wondered what it would be like to live 500 years. How bored would we get? Could we watch the news and see the politicians pontificating for 500 years? Could you still get excited about holiday celebrations?

Would you continue for decades with the morning traffic, work place politics, and the desire to get ahead, or would you relax and become a user of the free government housing, food, and health care?

How many divorces would you go through before you realized that present love is no guarantee of future love. Would you ever realize you cannot predict your future feelings? If you cannot predict your future feelings, why do you take up a fool's errand and try to predict the future feelings of someone else?

Then I wondered how we would act if we could be 21 years old for 500 years. Would our hormones continue to overrule our reason, or would our combined years of experiences turn into wisdom, wisdom that would control our emotions?

And how would the 21 year old react when he heard he was going to be drafted, again, for yet another war? Or would old men who start unnecessary wars get tired of war after 500 years of wars and live in peace instead of war?

Bilbo Baggins


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