Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Columbus Day

There is much talk about the evils of the sailor and explorer, Christopher Columbus. Many people want to denigrate him for his abuse of indigenous people. Others want to eliminate the Columbus holiday.

One kindergarten teacher was teaching history about Columbus. I wonder why he was teaching that to 6 year olds. It is a fertile time to indoctrinate the young minds.

Some even put Columbus on trial, in absentia, charging him with crimes, in 1492! I wonder how these people would like to be put on trial 500 years from now, without being able to defend themselves. Much of what humans did to each other in 1492 would be considered a crime today. Maybe what we do today in our ordinary lives will be considered a crime 500 years from now.

Columbus may have been a tyrant, but he was a hell of a sailor. Most people do not know he made four voyages to America. One should read the four volumes of Columbus, by Samuel Eliot Morrison.

People accuse Columbus of killing native people by infecting them with smallpox. They say this as if Columbus deliberately set out to do this.

It was not just Columbus who oppressed. The indigenous people oppressed each other. They would ally themselves with the European explores to fight their enemy tribes.

If the Native Americans had the ability to sail to Europe and dominate the Europeans, the Europeans would have been oppressed by the superior culture. That is the way of human history.

The resentment of Columbus is about race. Columbus was white, the indigenous people were not.

Charles Tolleson, whitey


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