Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Changing Strategy in War, Again

(By MATTHEW LEE, Associated Press Writer Matthew Lee, Associated Press Writer – Sun Jul 18, 2010
ISLAMABAD – U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton started a South Asia tour on Sunday aimed at refining the goals of the nearly 9-year-old war in Afghanistan and pushing neighboring nations to work together in the fight against al-Qaida and Taliban extremists.)

After 9 years of fighting a losing war in Afghanistan the U.S. is changing strategy, again. Billions continue to be spent. Billions of borrowed dollars are spent that will diminish the power of the empire the same way past empires have lost their power.

The goal in Afghanistan is so illusive the government will never win. A couple of years from now the government will have another PLAN, and another goal that is obfuscated by flowering oratory.

Vali Nasr, a State Department official said, "We're beginning to see movement, but this is not going to happen overnight," he said. "We're not going to be able to get them aligned over a one-year time period on every single issue and change 30 years of foreign policy of Pakistan on a dime."

On every single issue! Notice the psychological preparation of the American minds that this project will take a long, long time! As long as there are ISSUES that are "unresolved" there will be an excuse for the Military Nation to exist and to continue their plunder of the American taxpayer.

The goals are always the same because of the innate behavior of humans. The goal is to dominate. Humans have a desire to dominate. It's in our genes. We believe that to dominate others we have a better chance of surviving and sowing our seeds. We even want to dominate in individual relationships. Most people think they have to control others in order to control themselves. They know others think the same way, and the Merry Go Round continues.

To think we are going to dominate a part of the world that is thousands of years older than the USA is ludicrous. Those people have a history they are proud of and for us to go there and say we are going to dominate them and change their culture to be like ours is pure fantasy. They will resist for a thousand years, just as you would resist if they invaded your country, kicked down your doors, and killed your women and children in order to transform your culture to be like theirs.

From the beginning I have been against both the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War. Bring our troops home, all of them, from Germany, Okinawa, South Korea, and other places. Stop spending on the Military Nation. Use our military for defensive purposes only, not for nation building in other countries.

Al-Qaida is now in Somalia more than in Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S. keeps chasing a moving target when they chase al-Qaida. What will happen when a group in the USA says they are al-Qaida? You will see more power to the State as people wail for more safety and less liberty.

America should lead by example, not by blackmail, bribery, force, and intimidation. People used to want to immigrate to America because she was the land of liberty and opportunity, not a land of foreign interventions, welfare, and thousands of laws. Let's bring back America, the America that was a land of real liberty.

"Give me the money that has been spent in war and I will clothe every man, woman, and child in an attire of which kings and queens will be proud. I will build a schoolhouse in every valley over the whole earth. I will crown every hillside with a place of worship consecrated to peace." ~Charles Sumner

Charles Tolleson


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