Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

In Afghanistan to 'Win"

KABUL, Afghanistan – Gen. David Petraeus boldly declared "we are in this to win" Sunday as he took command of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan at a time of skepticism over a counterinsurgency strategy he himself pioneered and confusion over goals in an increasingly violent war.

Gen. Petraeus said it well. The war in Afghanistan is about nothing but victory. The war is a racket, to help careers and the military industrial nation, but it is not about defending the U.S.

The war in Afghanistan has become some overtime super bowl game that has only one goal, winning, whatever that means. I'm sure there is no coherent definition of what victory would mean.

Not to win would mean at least a draw, or another defeat, like in Vietnam. The tribe's ego would be shattered if the world's largest military cannot defeat a few radicals.

"After years of war, we have arrived at a critical moment,"
Petraeus said. "We must demonstrate to the Afghan people — and to the world — that al-Qaida and its network of extremist allies will not be allowed to once again establish sanctuaries in Afghanistan from which they can launch attacks on the Afghan people and on freedom-loving nations around the world."

Ha! The al-Qaida is a figment of Petraeus' imagination. There are a few dozen in Afghanistan. There are probably more al-Qaida in the U.S. than in Afghanistan. When you get rid of al-Qaida in Afghanistan they will sprout up in other countries. This will be other opportunities for the USA Foreign Legion to grow and prosper.

These words from the Declaration of Independence on this day, July 4, 2010, will inspire the revolutionaries of Afghanistan.- "He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns. . . . He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compete the work of death, desolation and tyranny . . ."

Do you feel independent on this Independence Day when you have over 400 federal departments and agencies, state, county and city laws telling you what you can, cannot, and must do?

The haughtiness of Americans celebrating Independence Day makes it look like the Americans actually believe they fought as insurgent militants for their independence against King George in 1776.

Happy Big Government Day, July 4, 2010

Charles Tolleson


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