Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, June 07, 2010

U.S. Navy's New F35C

Lockheed Martin's U.S. Navy version of the F35C just made its first test flight. It is so advanced that no nation can compete with it.

Lockheed Martin's press release reads like a war lovers dream.

What I noticed in the press release was how many different congressional districts must have people from those districts working on the airplane.

"The F-35 program has about 900 suppliers in 43 states, and directly and indirectly employs more than 130,000 people."

900 suppliers in 43 states! Suppliers in 43 states mean 86 U.S. Senators will have constituents wanting the program to continue. Why so many and in 86% of the states? The defense industry has learned to spread out their suppliers into many different congressional districts for political power. These suppliers lobby their congressional people to make sure the funding keeps on coming, whether the products of war are needed or not. You can't go wrong with your investment portfolio if you own a diversified group of defense stocks. A nation gripped in fear will always want more "defensive" war materials. Imagine how many billions people are willing to spend on sophisticated systems to fight a rag tag group of people who hate our foreign policies.

We could prevent war by inviting all countries to be members of NATO, or by having disputes between countries settled in an international court of law. The desire for war is stronger than the desire to prohibit war. Think of all the jobs that would be lost in the military defense nation if there was no threat of war. Without war, how could humans satisfy their sadistic cravings?

"War is A Racket" Major General Smedley Butler, 1881-1940

Charles Tolleson


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