The Future of Medicine
The future of medicine will involve more personal diagnosis of symptoms and diseases. Many home health diagnosis and drug tests kits have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the past few years. These include; Cholesterol Tests, Diabetes Tests, Glucose Tests, HIV Tests, Thyroid Tests, Colon Cancer Tests, PSA Tests, Male Fertility Tests, and Female Hormone Tests. The TSH home Thyroid test cost $25. A hospital lab will charge you much more for the same test!
In 1964 I had a test for diabetes. The doctor looked at the test results and told me I was a diabetic! He was wrong. The test results were complicated to interpret. I have never had diabetes. Now a simple home test can present results that an untrained person can read what a licensed doctor could not read 46 years ago.
In 2009 General Electric introduced the hand held ultrascanner. At a price of $250,000 the scanner is too expensive for the consumer market, at this time, but we know the price will eventually become affordable for the consumers just as the cost of computers and cell phones declined to accommodate the consumer market.

Someday the GE handheld ultrasound scanner will be used by consumers on a routine basis. The ordinary consumer may not know how to interpret the image but that can easily be solved by simply putting the image on Facebook and allowing others who have more knowledge of internal body parts to offer their free interpretations. There will also be images available online of what a normal internal body for a male or female looks like so one can compare their own image. Private individuals will be able to detect tumors and arterial blockages without going to a doctor, or they can email their images to their doctor for an opinion.
There are many online sites that already give symptoms of diseases. These online resources will continue to grow and benefit the consumer of health services. Because of these online resources, consumers are today better prepared when they visit their doctors than they were in the past.
These modern home tests show that a free market works. It shows the resources of human actions, when they are allowed to innovate and create. Thank goodness the people who invented these miracle kits were not killed in some unnecessary war.
“I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success... Such emotions make a man forget food, sleep, friends, love, everything.” Nikola Tesla
Charles Tolleson
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