Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has 28 member countries that agree to come to each other's defense in case one is attacked. Disputes between countries are settled peacefully.

I think the way to end war, at least between countries, is to invite all countries of the world to join NATO. That way no country would attack another country. The U.S. could no longer attack small countries. The military industrial nation would no longer have a reason to spend trillions on weapons. Can you imagine how the verbal venom would die out if both Israel and Iran were members of NATO?

I said wars between countries would end if all countries were members of NATO. Governments would continue their wars against poverty, pollution, social injustice, drugs, salt, etc. "War is the health of the State". Randolph Bourne

Charles Tolleson


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