Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, May 03, 2010

Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren

The odds are pretty high that Tiger Woods and his wife Elin Nordegren will divorce. Elin will likely get from 300 million to 500 million dollars in the divorce. Not bad for a former nanny/model.

Why does a vagina have so much value? This sends a message to all women that they are worth millions, if they can only find a guy who has millions. I suppose it is the free market at work. Men's stress levels go up around a beautiful woman. Men will work and risk their lives for these women. As men's work is more dangerous than women's work, men earn more, but they pay more in alimony and community property settlements and gifts. We also notice how the media always say the "Workers" were killed in the oil rig explosion. They never say eleven 'men' were killed in the oil rig explosion. If the eleven fatalities were women, do you think the press would have mentioned their gender. I do. It's quiet simple. Women are more valuable than men.

As long as men build Taj Mahals to women and invest so much time, money, energy and praise to women, women will always overvalue themselves.
"Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are". Malcolm S Forbes

It is rumored that Tiger Woods slept with 120 women during a five year period. That would be about two women per month. Not that amazing when you consider the opportunities rich and successful men have. What is amazing is why, if there were that many, that none of those 120 women accused him of sexual assault. Maybe they did, and collected the payoff money.

Tiger has been excoriated for his behavior, but none of the women he had affairs with have been excoriated for sleeping with a married man. All of those women had their self interest in mind. They thought with the proper investment in Tiger Woods they might replace Elin and become Tiger's next wife, and, have the opportunity to live a life of luxury and ease, and, get millions in a divorce.

Charles Tolleson, Divorced, and never remarried!


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