Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

2010 Census

The U.S. Department of Commerce is conducting the 2010 census of the United States, as required by the constitution, a constitution none of the current residents of the U.S. signed.

The Federal Government tells us the census is to determine who gets part of the federal grants. It is not up to the federal government to confiscate our money and decide to whom it is disbursed. Especially based on race, gender and age; questions asked on the 2010 census survey. The federal government is supposed to prohibit discrimination based on race, gender and age. According to the questions on the census form, the federal government IS going to discriminate based on those criteria.

Why does the census survey ask if I own my home free and clear? Does the federal government plan on a federal property tax, of those who lived frugally and paid off their mortgage, to provide for those who lived like there is no tomorrow?

The American people are the most mobile in the world. They move an average of 14 times in their lives. Japanese move an average of 4 times in their lives. Almost 40 million Americans change their address each year. This means that the Federal Government will disburse funds in 2015 based on outdated data because more than half of the American people will move by 2015. Funds disbursed during the past ten years, according to the Census Bureau, were based on the 2000 census. How many people do you know that moved since the 2000 census?

And everyone in congress knows the funds disbursed are not based on census data. The funds are disbursed based on power of the congressional committees.

The most powerful committee in the House of Representatives is the Appropriations Committee. This committee decides where your money will be disbursed. It will go to the districts that are represented on the committee and it will go to the districts that do what the committee members want.

Another powerful committee is the House Ways and Means Committee. This committee controls Medicare, Social Security, Unemployment benefits, and other welfare programs.

If the census bureau employees can ask you for your race, gender, age, and if you have a mortgage on your property, what other questions can they ask? Can they ask if you are gay? Can they ask your religion? Who is to determine what can be asked? Other government employees, like congress or a judge, but, what can be asked will be determined by other government employees. Information is power. The government mob loves power. It exists on power.

Why does the government lie about why they ask so many personal questions on the census survey? Because power corrupts.

Charles Tolleson


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