Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti and Poverty

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. Haiti has long practiced Voodoo, which is socialist in its belief.

This from Wikipedia- Vodou's moral code focuses on the vices of dishonour and greed. There is also a notion of relative propriety — and what is appropriate to someone with Dambala Wedo as their head may be different from someone with Ogou Feray as their head. For example, one spirit is very cool and the other is very hot. Coolness overall is valued, and so is the ability and inclination to protect oneself and one's own if necessary. Love and support within the family of the Vodou society seem to be the most important considerations. Generosity in giving to the community and to the poor is also an important value. One's blessings come through the community and there is the idea that one should be willing to give back to it in turn. There are no "solitaries" in Vodou, only people separated geographically from their elders and house. A person without a relationship of some kind with elders will not be practicing Vodou as it is understood in Haiti and among Haitians.

Voodoo practices the ancient tribal beliefs that community is more important than the individual. History has shown that communities that have private property and practice the art of selfishness grow and prosper faster than communities that practice common property.

Charles Tolleson


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