Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, January 04, 2010

All female marine team in Afghanistan

The all female marine team in Afghanistan is to interact with Afghan women and gain their support. This is a good strategy for our empire, if we are going to be an empire, a policy which I am against.

I have written before that technology will change the Muslim culture the same way it changed the Christian culture. Technology allowed women more choices and fewer pregnancies. The female marines in Afghanistan are just expediting the process. The process, with the birth control pill, cell phones, and the Internet, will destroy the traditional family that depended on the men and Allah. The future of Islam will be the same as the current western world's culture where a woman does not need a man because the State will be her provider and protector.

We do not need our war enablers and the beneficiaries of war in foreign countries. Their countries will become as socialistic as our country and our military.

Do those female marines, and male marines, realize they are part of the most socialistic and collectivist organization in the United States? The war enablers and beneficiars of war are trying to find the best employment in hard economic times. With over 70 different types of pay and allowances, and the new GI Bill that allows benefits to flow to dependents,and the largest day care provider in the U.S., the U.S. military helots are willing to murder for the State.

When the war enablers join the U.S. military they give up their constitutional rights and agree to be governed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice, a document written and approved by the State. The socialistic military helots sleep in the same quarters in the same type bunks and with the same type linen and eat the same food and wear the same kind of clothing. This cohesive collective has only one mission, to serve and protect the State.

"In the eyes of empire builders men are not men but instruments.” Napoleon Bonaparte

Charles Tolleson


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