Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The powerful lobby of the war enablers

This is a paragraph from a letter by Michael M. Dunn, President and CEO of the Air Force Association to Senator Carl Levin, December 15, 2009. "Bearing in mind our sacred obligation to care for those who make selfless, extraordinary sacrifices for our freedoms, we ask that you make America's unequivocal gratitude apparent in any senate passed health care reform legislation".

What strikes me in this paragraph is the incredible self love. Dunn said military personnel make "selfless, extraordinary sacrifices". Bah! They are not selfless. They are not sacrifices. They simply are people working for great benefits, benefits that Dunn is trying to protect. If they were selfless, why is he wanting the taxpayer to keep on paying and paying. He even asks Senator Levin to make America's "unequivocal gratitude" apparent. People who perform selfless and extraordinary sacrifices do not ask for unequivocal gratitude.

Men have always fought each other. They plundered for property and women. It's in their genes. It is the result of a million years of evolution.

The Military Coalition, a consortium of nationally prominent uniformed service and veterans organizations representing more than 5.5 million active duty, Guard, Reserve, retired and former service members plus their families and survivors, is writing to urge you to vote for H.R. 3961 to reverse the 21% reduction in the Medicare and military TRICARE physician payment rates that will take effect as of January 1, 2010unless Congress acts before that date.

What a lobby! Five million warriors demanding benefits. They expect accolades, respect and panegyrics. They will never be satisfied.

Charles Tolleson


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