Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Tiger Woods

The black community is not supporting Tiger Woods because he has chosen white women over black women.

I think it interesting that we see many more black men with white women than black women with white men. This means black women are losing in the competition for the rich successful black, or white, men.

The black commentators seem to think blacks should marry other blacks in order to promote and sustain the black culture, whatever that is. I suspect the meaning behind their dissembling is they want to support and sustain the black race. People of the same races but different cultures always seem to want, for some reason, to save their culture, though it may not be worth saving. People seem to think the culture they were accidentally born into is a reflection of their own value.

So much of human behavior is based on biology and instinct. The humanitarians, those who want to do good (a desire to control others) will blame behavior on racism and other social factors. The fact that humans want to be with their own race and ethnic groups is an instinctive desire for survival and an instinctive desire to spread our genes. These instincts are why humans are one of the few species to survive; predators, famine, diseases, and natural disasters. Some argue that more than 90% of all species that ever existed are extinct.

If two women were put on the slave block during the slave trading days the healthiest and the most beautiful woman would have demanded the highest price. The same applies in today's non slave market. The most beautiful woman will demand the highest price. A rich man like Tiger Woods can afford the price. His wife, Elin, a woman with no skills, she was a nanny and a model, can demand a price in the millions. Is any woman worth that much just as a mate?

I think the blacks who are against blacks marrying whites are simply envious. Many blacks and other non whites would choose a white mate if they had the opportunity. The same applies to a younger woman mating with an older rich man. There simply are not enough older rich men to supply the demand. There are simply not enough beautiful white mates for every non white person looking to mate. Some even predict a further decline in the percentage of whites in the world population. I disagree with this prediction. In the future, because of bio engineering, people will be able to change their skin, hair, eyes, etc. They will choose the most attractive qualities so they can increase their value.

I think the blacks who are against interracial marriages should appreciate the freedom one has in today's society to satisfy one's preference in mate selection. Interracial marriages will be the best solution to eliminating racism in the world. Marriages between religions and different cultures will increase tolerances and reduce the power of the State. Interracial marriages used to be illegal. Will the government bring back a prohibition on interracial marriages and create an "Equal Opportunity Marriage" law that insures black women have equal access to rich black men?

Tiger Woods has two beautiful children by his white wife. The children are neither black nor white, but they have a beautiful copper tone color. Evolution, and bio engineering will decide which human characteristics are valuable.

The State always tries to favor one group over other groups in order to maintain power. Currently there are more female than male voters in the U.S. so the State caters to the female voters. The same applies to groups who want to keep their group pure, Purity means more power. Power equals survival.

The State of Israel sees its power in an all Jewish State so it tries to prevent Jews from marrying Arabs.

"Israeli groups, both public and private, have launched efforts to prevent Jewish women from dating and marrying Arab men – this, after an opinion poll found that more than 50 percent of Jewish Israelis equate intermarriage with "national treason." Journalist Jonathan Cook reported on a religious organization, Yad L’Achim, dedicated to "saving" – through military-style "rescues" – Jewish women from their significant Arab others. "The Jewish soul is a precious, all-too-rare resource, and we are not prepared to give up on even a single one," says the group’s Web site. "

Maybe the desire to mate is stronger than tribal beliefs.

Charles Tolleson, whitey


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