Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Americans love their military

A recent Rasmussen poll, November 2009, shows 81% of Americans approve of the U.S. Military war enablers. I suspect 81% of Russians and Chinese also approve of their military war enablers.

The Americans who approve of the U.S. military helots are war enablers themselves. If they did not approve of the military, young warriors would not become mercenaries to fight in unnecessary foreign wars that have nothing to do with protecting America. These wars are simply a projection of American hubris by force.

Tribal members usually approve of their warrior and priests class. The members want to know they are protected so their approval is a way to encourage the young warriors to take risks in protecting the tribe. They are rewarded with prizes, including mates.

According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, esteem, the desire to be respected by others is one of humans' needs. With an 81% approval by your tribe towards members in the military, hiring on as a war enabler is a quick way to win respect. Joining the military means you give up your constitutional rights and become subject to the code of military justice. You become a socialist; wearing the same clothes, sleeping in the same place, and eating the same meals, all to win respect.

Imagine what the people in an Islamic country think about being occupied by the American Christian army. What is their approval rating of the U.S. war enablers who make the native populations stand for hours at checkpoints?

Try to imagine these war enablers that you approve of walking around an Afghanistan village of poor men and women. The war enablers are walking around in the fashionable wrap around sun glasses and the latest high tech killing equipment and freshly laundered fatigues. The Afghan men are searched and humiliated in front of their women and children. What do you think these humiliated men will pray for the next time they pray to Allah? I suspect they will ask Allah that he give them the power to kill an American.

Why should we ask our warriors to go into another country and murder strangers just because our leaders have a quarrel with each other?

The best recruitment for the radical Muslims is our presences in their countries. Imagine how you would feel if a Muslim army invaded and occupied your country and tried to tell you to run your country the way Muslims run their country. I suspect many of you would become "terrorists" or "insurgents", as described by the occupiers.

The Imams are not afraid of our armies, they are afraid of the words in our Bill of Rights. If you must invade other countries, invade them by dropping from drones, copies of our Bill of Rights.

To the war enablers I ask, what happens when you destroy the Taliban and al Qaida in Afghanistan? Do you then invade Pakistan to rid them of al Qaida? Who is next? The Philippines, Indonesia, Ukraine, and any other country that will have people who resent the bullying tactics of the Mighty U.S.? There are 50 countries with Muslim populations totaling about 1.5 billion people. If only 1% of those hate America enough to take action, you have 15 million people willing to attack America. If only 10% of those want to attack America you have 150 thousand Muslim, only .001% of the 1.5 billion Muslims in the world! If Even if you destroy al-Qaida you will not get the rest of the world to love you by your bullying, and your safety will always be at risk.

“It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”

Charles Tolleson


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