Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Guys' Night

Feminism,- "The fear that somewhere a man is happy."

I just had a 4 day visit from my son, which happens twice each year. This time however, he brought 4 of his neighborhood buddies. That meant 6 guys in my small 1800 sq ft, 2 Br, 2.5 bath condo. I was anxious about all the humans congregating in one place because I am an old man who lives along and connects with humanity mostly through cyberspace.

My stress was wasted. The six guys, ages 38 to old, had a most delightful time. My son and I spent days together while his 4 buddies, all married with children at home, toured the bay area.

At night we had big meals, cooked by my son who likes to cook, shared some wine, and had many laughs. Only one night did we order pizza.

Having worked, and watched the feminizing of America, and seeing a constant presence of females on TV, the denigrating and demonizing of males on TV, (We watched very little TV) I found the conviviality of 6 guys sitting around, without women nearby, almost surreal, but the most pleasant experience I have had in a long time.

I recommend guys' nights, or guys' vacations, without TV and women. It will be therapeutic to the male soul.

Charles Tolleson, Masculist


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