Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Massachusetts 2010 Special Election

Massachusetts just elected Scott Brown in a special election to replace the senate seat held by the late Edward Kennedy.

On November 3, 2006 I wrote in this blog that if the democrats win, don't look for any change. The programs may change but the real program, big government, will stay the same. No matter which party is in power, power corrupts. Bertrand de Jouvenel says in his book, "On Power" that current presidents and parliaments have power that former kings would envy.

People thought when Ronald Reagan became president that the government would be controlled. Under Reagan the size of the Federal Register grew and spending increased,

If people in MA wanted to curtail the power and growth of the government mob they should have voted for the libertarian candidate Joe Kennedy. Check out his website and his platform to cut spending and end the wars. With such a realist campaign platform Kennedy only got 1% of the vote! The myth of the rational voter does exist.

The person who gets elected cannot resist the temptation that is offered by power. Scott Brown, a member of the MA National Guard, will promote war, the biggest government program and the one that takes away our liberty. He will promote the Patriot Act and other big government programs. He even voted for the Massachusetts Health Care that required all citizens of MA to buy health care. Brown also voted against repealing the MA income tax! Still, Brown said his victory was a wake up call.

A real wake up call would have been for the libertarian candidate Kennedy to get 20% of the vote. Voters think if they vote for a libertarian they are wasting their vote. Those people who voted for the two party, dempublican, wasted their vote.

Humans are the greatest pretenders of all the animals. Their language allows them to excel at obfuscation. They pretend to value freedom and self reliance, but they vote to control others or allow others to control them.

Brown won, but by only 51%. The other 48% still want big government. All will get big government.

There are more female voters than male voters. I suspect Brown got more female votes than his opponent, a female, simply because Brown is a hunk. So much for the feminists complaints that male sexism keeps females from gains.

I'm against big or small government. I'm for tiny government!

Charles Tolleson


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