Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Census Harassment Jobs

"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises a formidable outcry in defence of custom." Thomas Paine ('Common Sense')

The Census Bureau estimates there are 115 million households in the U.S. In 2000 the bureau estimated 68% of households returned the 2000 census survey.

If that 68% holds true for the 2010 survey that means that about 78 million households will return the survey. About 37 million households will not return the survey.

The Census Bureau plans to hire over one million part time workers to help canvas neighborhoods. (Which gender will be assigned to the good neighborhoods and which gender will be assigned to the bad neighborhoods while both genders receive the same pay?)

One million workers to canvas thirty seven million households means each worker will only have about 37 households to canvas. Why so many workers? How long will it take one person to canvas 37 households?

The part time census workers are a way to reduce the unemployment, which is why the government is hiring so many workers. It is not just the act of the current administration trying to reduce unemployment for the 2010 election. Any administration would do the same.

The census survey is constitutional in it allows a population count to determine apportionment of the 435 members of the House. The states that increase populations during the ten years between surveys will get more representatives to congress and the states that lose populations will get fewer representatives. Liberal states like Michigan may see a decrease in population in the current survey while conservative state Texas will likely see and increase in population, thus giving a conservative state one more representative while a liberal state gets one less representative. Now, do you really think the government employees who count the survey returns are so pure and noble that they will not tamper with the survey results?

The census workers are enablers to the State. As they harass you they will justify their use of force as, "I need a job!"

It is a Bizzaro world when we are forced to pay government employees to harass us.

Bilbo Baggins, from his hobbit hole on Htrae.


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