Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Wonder of Blogs

There are millions of blogs on the Internet. They are in many languages and from many countries.

No longer will information from the mainstream media be controlled by the advertisers. Big media outlets make their money from big businesses that pay for advertisement. That's why you never see any negative reporting about big advertisers.

If you want to be a member of the White House Press Corp and have access to the powerful rulers, you better not say anything negative about the rulers.

Women make up to two thirds of spending choices so advertisers sponsor programs that attract female viewers. That's why there are so many programs that allow the feminists spin sisters to profligate.

To compete with the biased news media, blogs have arisen. Millions of blogs, that cost nothing to write, have no advertisers to sway what is written. The bloggers write opinions and disclose information and links to data that the mainstream media often does not present because the MSM are after a mass audience of buyers of advertised products. The blogger is just writing his views.

As time passes the good bloggers will attract more readers. Good bloggers have created online websites with news and opinion columns. These websites have millions of viewers. These sites could not have started a major newspaper or television station and competed so quickly with the mainstream media.

Readers will no longer have to pay and subscribe for a newspaper that is expensive to print and deliver. Customers will no longer have to watch TV with the commercials to get their news. Readers can read faster than a speaker can speak. A reasonable reader can get in 20 minutes the same number of words they get listening to an hour of talk radio or TV, excluding the ads.

Kings, priests and the warriors have always tried to control the information the tribe receives. Information is power. Centralized power is dangerous. The corruptible are lured to power. Power corrupts the weak. With the diffusion of power by bloggers, maybe power by the rulers will be diffused. The current U.S. government puts out data monthly on the performance of the U.S. economy. Many people think this information is inaccurate. One website, run by an economist and a webmaster, two people, is exposing the lies the rulers tell to the tribal members.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power". Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld 1613-1680

Charles Tolleson


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