Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Black Women See Fewer Black Men

The New York Times had an article on June 4, 2010 titled "Black Women See Fewer Black Men at the Altar"

The Pew Research Center disclosed the number of interracial marriages has increased enormously during the past few years. One can only marvel at this considering that State governments used to make interracial marriage illegal. Imagine the State preventing voluntary contracts between individuals!! All of those people who supported these laws believed in the power of the State.

There have been many discussions about the plight of black women unable to find a "good" black man. What does the definition of "good" mean? I suspect a woman who wants a "good" man wants a good servant.

The discussions and essays on the plight of black women left out one good reason so many black women are unmarried. Black women have the highest rate of obesity of any other demographic. Four out of five black women are overweight. If black women wanted to be married they would make themselves more appealing. Most men do not want to make love to an obese woman. If men preferred obese women then the sexy tabloids and pole dancers would be filled with obese women,

Black women, and other women, no longer need to be married. The State is their provider and protector. Since they do not need a man they can wait and wait for a "good" man.

For centuries under slavery black women were the head of the families. Black male slaves were used for breeding. Black male salves were sold as a single individual while black females were sold with their children. Black women did not need black men for care and support because the slave owner took care of them. After slavery the black women had to compromise with black men for their care and support and the cohesiveness of black families grew for the next 100 years until the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which gave black women a position of aristocracy where they could sue others, and be cared for by the Federal Government, the same as the previous slave owners cared for the black women and her children. The only difference now is at the ballot box black woman can talk back to their master.

I'm sure somewhere there are humanitarians with a plan to correct the "unfairness" black women face. Their plan will likely have something like the Selective Service System that requires men to register for the draft. From this registry some men will be selected to marry a black woman for a term of two years.

If black women had been more desirable than white women, Europe and North America would be black instead of white.

The number of interracial marriages is a good thing. It will help mitigate our differences and bring some social peace.

It is difficult for a society of two religions to survive peacefully. With many religions a society will be more peaceful than with just two. The same for races in a society. If a society has only two races they will vie for power and blame. If there are many races it is difficult to blame one race against the other for one's unhappiness.

“A civilized society is one which tolerates eccentricity to the point of doubtful sanity." Robert Frost

Charles Tolleson


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