Freedom For You

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Identifying the Problem in Iraq

We lie the loudest when we lie to ourselves. -Eric Hoffer, philosopher and author (1902-1983)

On another discussion group a member suggested, to solve the problem in Iraq the problem must first be identified. As the motivational speakers like to say, "Every problem is an opportunity."

The problems can be real, perceived, imaginary, or propagandist problems.

A real problem for me is different than a real problem for an Iraqi Imam, or and American soldier, or all the other parties involved. A real problem for me is how much I am forced to pay for this dangerous foreign policy. This policy also puts my safety at risk.

I see the real problem for the United States is its foreign policy and its support for Israel. This policy of quasi imperialism only creates debt and enemies. No empire in the past 500 years has survived. The Spanish, British, Japanese, Ottoman, Napoleon, and Portuguese empires were all destroyed by debt and the numerous enemies they created.

We see a Muslim nation, Iran, friendly to a Christian nation, Venezuela. China is selling arms to Venezuela. Brazil, Nicaragua, and Bolivia have elected socialist leaders. Socialism is an enemy to the brochures promoting freedoms and free enterprise of the United States. These are real problems for the United States, caused by our bellicose foreign policy. The United States is creating more enemies than friends.

Perceived problems are numerous and complex and the parties with perceived problems are also numerous. One perceived problem is that the Muslims hate us. Maybe some Muslims hate our government, but not all Muslims hate all Americans. A subpart of this problem can be real, but as a group we do not ask why. As a group we hide our individual actions in the group. We feel safe in the group and believe the group is good. We may be filled with self hatred of our individual self, but we can never feel that way about our group. The group members may come to their senses, slowly, one member at a time. Our group can destroy millions of innocent people with an atomic bomb and that would be good. If one individual kills one other individual, that is bad. If the group forcibly takes from another that can be good. If an individual takes from another using force, that is bad.

President Bush has a real problem because he is not winning. He is trying to make his problem a group problem. Others who have something to gain will often use this deception and try to make their individual problem the problem of friends, the family or group. This hidden lure, to escape responsiblily and have others solve your problem, is an underling cause for socialism.

President Bush likes to say he has a volunteer military. Despite a highly paid volunteer Army, he can only get less than one percent of the population to volunteer to serve in uniform. That is a real problem for a president who wants to invade other countries.

Imaginary problems are rampant as they always are in groups who still believe in myths. An example of an imaginary problem is what General Peter Pace, Chairman of the joint Chiefs of Staff, said in New York recently at an event sponsored by the Oxonian Society, "If the U.S. is pushed out of Iraq," he said, "the next stop for al Qaeda and other insurgents is Afghanistan. If the U.S. is pushed out of Afghanistan", he said to a hushed room in New York on Friday, "the next stop is here."

Does anyone really believe al Qaeda, who has no Army, Navy, or Air Force, will invade the United States? Al Qaeda did not even control Afghanistan. The Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Once al Qaeda becomes large enough and centralized then it can be easily attacked. They have their real problems from their own populace and internal fighting.

Propaganda problems, lies by governments, are too many to list.

Instead of asking what is the problem, maybe we should ask what is the reason for invading Iraq? The reasons given will be; real, perceived, imaginary, and propagandist.

Bilbo Baggins


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