Political Parties' Platforms
In reading the platform of the Democrat Party one can almost laugh, or cry, at the utopain platform.
"To renew American leadership in the world, we will strengthen our common security by investing in our common humanity." Democrat Party Platform.
The Democrat Party platform, 59 pages, offers something for all dreamers and humanitarians. It promises that lower status humans will have the same status as the upper class humans. The guardians however will always have the highest status.
The Republican Platform , 67 pages, offers more fiscal restraint, something the Republicans fail to practice, and more world policing.
The Libertarian Platform , about 11 pages long, is all about individual liberty and responsibility, something most people fear.
Why do people prefer the big government of the major parties to the small government of the Libertarian Party that offers more individual freedoms? The Democrat and Republican parties try to buy votes, and there are plenty of sellers. The Libertarian party tries to sell liberty, and there are very few buyers. The failure of the Libertarian party says a lot about the character of the American voter.
Humans are social animals. They are gregarious, meaning belonging to a flock. When you are alone there are no rules. When you are in a flock there are many rules. American humans live under so many rules they are suffocating. Still they cry for more rules. Why?
Each person thinks their rules will be to their advantage. They give away their power to a government guardian, thinking this action will give them an advantage in the flock. Millions of people want their rules imposed. They fail to realize that when you voluntarily give away your power you cannot take it back. They think they will be able to get their power back every two years in an election. Their vote only transfers power to another government guardian.
"The State acquires power... and because of its insatiable lust for power it is incapable of giving up any of it. The State never abdicates." – Frank Chodorov
Charles Tolleson