Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Utopias, CA Budget, & Flag Idolatry Day

July 4, 2009


There have been many community experiments with trying to develop the perfect place. Many socialist experiments have been tried in America.

For thousands of years large and small tribes have practiced communism. Communities with private property rights, the right to one's production, usually prosper more.

Despite poor people living longer, healthier, and more comfortable lives than past kings lived, we humans are never satisfied. We still yearn for utopia, that place were liberals and conservatives can be civil to each other, where food and doctors grow on trees, and God's mistakes are corrected.

One such attempt to build a better communist place is Twin Oaks Intentional Community. Twin Oaks has survived since 1967. Some members have left voluntarily and some have been expelled.

Despite over 40 years of existences this central planned heaven on earth only has 105 members!

Happy Flag Idolatry Day!

On this 4th of July 2009 we will hear the usually panegyrics about how great is our country. It reminds me of a bunch of high schools cheerleaders, Rah! Rah! Our team is better than your team.

These panegyrics usually end with, "God bless America". Why so selfish? Why don't they say, "God bless the whole world"?

California Budget

California spends over $53 billion dollars per year on government schools; adult education, special ed, k-12, and higher education.

If they just shut down the K-12 schools for one year the state would end up with a $15 billion dollar surplus.

Retired airline pilots, retired military, and retired teachers could volunteer to teach for a year. No license should be required to be a teacher. Herman Melville, author of Moby Dick, became a teacher at age 18, without a college degree. Isabele Paterson became a writer and editor with only two years of formal education. The rest of her education was obtained without licensed teachers and government schools.

California spends over $8,000 per student per year. If the State gave a $5,000 voucher to each parent to use for their child's education the budget problem would be solved. A stay at home parent with two children would add eight children to her daily tasks of teaching children to read in her family room. Ten students each with a $5,000 voucher would equal to $50,000 per year, for 182 short days of work. Retired teachers and many other unemployed professionals would jump at the opportunity to teach their specialty.

Regular teachers could rent a classroom from the current school districts and have a class of 20 students. This would bring the teacher $100,000 per year. She could pay the school district $25,000 per year for the use of the classroom and still have $75,000 for her work!

The good teachers would be in high demand. Good teachers might have 50 students, or more, in their class, thus earning $250,000 per year, minus classroom rent.

If the State wanted to reduce the cost of education they could do most teaching on YouTube. Currently it is illegal to video record a class being taught in the government schools. If it was on YouTube, parents could see propaganda the State is teaching the children.

Charles Tolleson


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