Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

U.S. Federal Government Net Worth

Last night I watched Ben Wattenberg and his guests discussing the U.S. debt. Ken Fisher says the Federal Government has an excellent debt to equity ratio and should borrow more! He says the U.S. government has $110 TRILLION in assets and owes $50 TRILLION for a net worth of some $60 TRILLION. All those post offices, laboratories, roads, parks, schools, golf courses, ATC, printing companies, etc., all add up. And those government assets compete with an advantage over private companies. Still, I slept well knowing our financial house was in good shape.

This net worth of the Federal Government does not include the assets of the state and local governments. State and local governments have; schools, playgrounds, recreation centers, transportation buses, garbage collection, hospitals, zoos, etc.,all that compete with the private sector.

Compare the Federal Government net worth of $60 trillion to the net worth of the private citizens.

"The Federal Reserve reported Thursday that household net worth fell to $50.38 trillion in the January-March quarter, the lowest level since the third quarter of 2004. The first-quarter figure marked a decline of 2.6 percent, or $1.33 trillion, from the final quarter of 2008."

On top of the government's competition against many private businesses, the government did not buy most of their property. They do not have a bill of sale for all the acres of land they own, nor for the off shore drilling rights they lease. No, the Federal Government confiscated, legally plundered, to get many of their assets.

So, the Federal Government has more net worth than its citizens. AND, that is not counting the net worth of the State and Local Governments.

There will be no secession movement. None of the States will give up many of those federal assets. If all 50 states seceded the mob in Washington, D.C. would own many of those federal assets and live a life of luxury. They could even afford to keep their mercenary army to protect their assets. Some assets like airspace and off shore water would become state assets if states seceded.

Who are the aristocrats and who are the proletarians? The government mob is living at the expense of the proletarians. The proletarians are under the illusion that they are the aristocrats. There are many Government God worshippers among both the aristocrats and proletarians who think it is best if the goverment mob owns more assets than the workers. The peasants of Europe used to think it was fine that the Catholic Church owned more property than the peasants.

Charles Tolleson


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