Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Obesity, July 8, 2009 "Obesity among US adults continues to rise according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control. The report says that obesity prevalence is 25 percent or higher in 32 states."

We all know obesity increases the cost of health care. ("Studies show Medicare spends anywhere from $1,400 to $6,000 more annually on health care for an obese senior than for the non-obese.")

Obesity also affects the young people. Look at the enclosed photo and compare that to your high school senior class picture. I did. In my high school senior picture of 1953 there was not one obese student, nor was there any obese teachers. We ate deep fried foods and drank plenty of sugared ice tea, and ate homemade pies and cakes with a lot of sugar.

I believe people consumed more calories then than now. They just burned them off by working.

Some want to blame genes for our obesity problems. There were no obese people on the Bataan Death March. Nor did you see obese people who survived Auschwitz.

Could government policies of providing food stamps to people who sit at home all day have anything to do with their obesity?

Could reduced lunch prices at senior centers have anything to do with seniors being obese?
(LUNCH AT THE SENIOR CENTER: If you are able to be out and about, you may consider driving or taking the Senior Van to the Senior Center for lunch. Lunch is served daily, Monday through Friday at 11:45 am. Cost is a suggested donation of $2.00 if over 60 and $4.00 if under 60. Please call by noon the two days prior for your reservation at 508.839.9242. It is a hot, nutritious meal and, guess what, you don’t have to cook or spend a fortune! Come socialize and enjoy. Each week we give away a free lunch. Our Meal Site Manager is Karen Kosiba! She is a bright and cheerful gal with lots of new ideas.)

Could farm subsidies of corn products that make unhealthy snacks cheaper instead of subsidizing fruits and vegetables be a cause of obesity. Nah. The God government does no wrong.

Gluttony is one of our vices. I've written before that if the world was all one happy race and one government, most of us would gorge ourselves to death, after expecting the government to save us.

Charles Tolleson


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