Lt. Col Joe Repya is tired of spineless politicians
Lt. Col Joe Repya wrote a column describing the things he is tired of.
Joe Repya wrote, "I'm tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who lack the courage, fortitude, and character to see these 'difficult tasks' through".
Difficult tasks?? Spending our country into bankruptcy and killing thousands of people in an unnecessary war is more than a difficult task Colonel. It is madness!
Joe Repya wrote, "I'm tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history when the 'going gets tough'."
There you go again Joe. Using sophomoric platitudes and rah rah cheering to say we should stick to "it" even if "it" makes no sense.
Joe wrote, "I'm tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim they 'Support the Troops' by wanting them to 'Cut and Run' before victory is achieved."
Most Americans are overawed with themselves as a powerful country. They cannot stand that their mighty group might not achieve victory. Victory has become more important than the reason for the war. "Cut and Run" is a cliché designed to make some feel guilty simply because they have more logic than emotion in their opinions.
Joe Repya wrote, "I'm tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of their hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and women are having on the battlefield."
Joe, If the brave men and women are having the success on the "battlefield" you claim, then it would be safe for the reporters to go out into the battlefield and see what you call successes. Success will be when the local tribal chiefs want it to happen, not by our military presence.
Joe Repya wrote, "I'm tired that so many Americans think you can rebuild a dictatorship into a democracy over night."
Me to Joe. But I was tired of those Americans who in the first days of the war thought you could turn Iraq into a democracy over night. It was you and your CIC who thought Iraq would be an overnight success. I guess that means you are tired of your Commander in Chief and all the other war lovers like you who thought the Iraqi people would embrace democracy overnight, and Iraq would be a shining victory for God and his missionary warriors.
Joe Repya wrote, "I'm tired that so many ignore the bravery of the Iraqi people to go to the voting booth and freely elect a Constitution and soon a permanent Parliament."
We don't ignore the Iraqi vote, you do. You think the word democracy will mean people who have hated each other for centuries over simple beliefs will now get along. Update August 1, 2007. The Sunni bloc of the Iraq government just resigned leaving the Iraqi government in peril.
Joe Repya wrote, "I'm tired of the so called 'Elite Left' that prolongs this war by giving aid and comfort to our enemy, just as they did during the Vietnam War."
You claim to have fought for our freedoms and you want the Iraqi people to have the same freedoms. Yet when people dissent, you label it treason, and you want to silence them. So much for the freedoms you said you fought for.
Joe Repya wrote, "I'm tired of antiwar protesters showing up at the funerals of our fallen soldiers. A family who's loved ones gave their life in a just and noble cause, only to be cruelly tormented on the funeral day by cowardly protesters is beyond shameful."
They did not "Give" their lives Joe. Their lives were taken from them in a brutal and horrific way. Their lives were offered as human sacrifice to the worshippers of Ares, and not in a noble and just war, but in an unnecessary and evil war of invasion and occupying another country.
Joe Repya wrote, "I'm tired that my generation, the Baby Boom -- Vietnam generation, who have such a weak backbone that they can't stomach seeing the difficult tasks through to victory."
Same old platitudes Joe. No matter how immoral and illegal the tasks you think we should just have the stomach to see them 'succeed'. You call it "Victory".
Joe Repya wrote, "Mostly, I'm tired that the people of this great nation didn't learn from history that there is no substitute for Victory."
I'm tired to Joe, that our leaders did not learn from history that you cannot invade other countries without making the rest of the world fear and hate you. Joe, when goods, services, and ideas cross borders, armies do not.
Bilbo Baggins