Someone just sent me several images of American soldiers in Iraq interacting happily with Iraqi children. I suspect these images were created by the Minister of Propaganda.
I think it is good that children are willing to accept the American soldiers. The children are young and naive. Their minds are still malleable. They are poor and desperate. This is a good time to form their opinions of the world.
I think it would be less expensive and more productive if we brought all our soldiers home. Each soldier could bring 10 children with them. This would equal about one and a half million children. The children could be housed on our military bases throughout the world. They would go to school with; Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Atheists. They would not be taught any religion. These one and a half million Iraqi children would grow up believing in America and the Bill of Rights. Many of them would return to Arab lands as a moderating force for the Middle East.
The problem with this modest proposal is many Iraqi parents would object to their children not being taught the family religion and mores. Somehow, parents always believe their myths and traditional ways are the proper way, and therefore should be passed on to their children. Successful control of the next generation goes to the group that has control over the minds of children.
No where in the U. S. Constitution does it say the President or Congress has the right to nation building, which is what the President says we are doing in Iraq. Congress can declare war, but we are not at war with the Iraqi government, the one we helped create. We are their allies. We are not at war with Iraq.
Are we at war with the Taliban? Which country are they in? Are we at war with Al Qaeda? Al Qaeda is in America and many other countries! Do we declare war on ourselves? Do we declare war on every country that has a group of Al Qaeda? The President would love to. War is the health of the State.
Bilbo Baggins
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