Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. Thomas Paine

Pete wrote, "My wife and I are on Medicare. It works well."

It seems to work well because we are over 65. But if you Google "Medicare problems" you will see it does not work well. There are many doctors who are opting out. And as Ron Webber said, how much did we pay into the system before we got to use it? Your Medicare premiums likely increased the following amounts during the last few years. 2003-9%, 2004-13%, 2005-17%, 2006-13%, and 2007 a whopping 40%! Over a 5 year period my Medicare premiums increased 140%! Try opting out. If you want to opt out of Medicare you must drop ALL Social Security benefits! The government mafia thugs simply tell you to shut up and pay up.

As far a Medicare being more efficient than private health care, many will disagree.

I was always academically and intellectually challenged. That must explain why I don't understand how so many bright and brave men, some who volunteered to risk their lives for freedoms, only in their senior years to act like meek kindergarten children who say to their Big Sister government, "Just take care of me. If my earnings are not enough, then take some from others". These once proud and brave men seem to have more desire for their free Viagra and discounted lunches at the senior center than the freedoms they once fought for.

Gary wrote, "I know you would like to just see government go awaycompletely."

No, I would just like to see the federal gov reduced to its original intent. It is absurd to have a Federal Department of Education. That's saying States cannot teach kids to read and write. I would also like to see smaller State governments, especially the state I live in. However, their constitutions do not prevent them from providing social programs, or health care.

As we celebrate July 4th we should remember this country was founded on the principal that the individual has rights. The government is supposed to protect those rights. The government is not supposed to have the power to prevent worry or all the miseries of life. The lure to socialists is that governments can solve all our worries. If socialism worked all the tribes who used it would still be around. The lure is so strong socialists are willing to use force on others, just like those on the right are willing to use force for their beliefs. Government operates only by force and coercion, and that's why I fear its power, and why I try to advocate for less power for government, not more.

Happy "Independence" Day.



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