Freedom For You

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Senator Obama attacks fathers for Father's Day

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” Johann Goethe

Senator Barack Obama said, as Father's Day approaches, that fathers should take more responsibility for their children. Maybe if fathers had some authority they might be more involved in their children's lives. As it stands now fathers have no authority, only responsibility. All of the authority over children is through the mother or the State. Just let a father try to assert himself in a way that the mother disapproves. She will boot him out the door and replace him with the government as the father. Then the mother determines if the father can visit his own children.

Can one imagine Senator Obama saying mothers should take more responsibility and use the birth control pill instead of having a baby before she has an education? Would Senator Obama chastise mothers on Mother's Day by telling them to be more responsible with whom they choose to sire their baby? Of course not. It is permissible in this country to demonize men and deify women.

I had a good divorce. My former wife divorced me, but she did not divorce me from my children. If more women would take this attitude then more fathers would be involved with their children.

It sounds like Senator Obama is just mad at not having a relationship with his own father so he is striking out at all fathers. Or could he just be trying to win the female voters because Senator Hillary Clinton is favored by female voters over Senator Obama. Either way, it shows how disposable men are when it comes to political careers.

Charles Tolleson

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP)- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Friday that fathers have to share the responsibility for raising children and caring for families because their role doesn't end at conception.

Days before Father's Day, Obama said "It's about to be Father's Day," he said. "Let's admit to ourselves that there are a lot of men out there that need to stop acting like boys; who need to realize that responsibility does not end at conception; who need to know that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child but the courage to raise a child."

He recalled his own upbringing as the son of a Kenyan father and a mother from Kansas. Obama said he grew up with a father he know only through letters and stories told by his mothers and the relatives who raised him.

"Without a job or an education, many black men simply cannot afford to raise a family — and too many have made the sad choice not to," he said.


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