Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Urban Legends

Jim wrote on another forum, <I'm just curious if you or others who post anything always have to agree with it. I don't. I think a variety of viewpoints on all subjects is healthy.>

I usually agree with what I post, but more importantly is the right we have to post and say things that others disagree with. One of our greatest assets is the freedom to speak out and critique our government, and critique others. Words are magical. They can free people, or enslave them, both without force or violence.

Many people live with illusions. When words and science destroy their illusions, their happiness is destroyed. This is why some people resist the truth. We are born into our language, manners and beliefs. Swap a Jewish baby and a Muslim baby at birth and the Jewish baby would grow up hating Jews and the Muslim baby would grow up hating Muslims.

I try to live without illusions. This way I can experience a great thrill when I read words that are so persuasive they can change my long held beliefs. I am concerned about people who believe something that is false simply because it fits into their belief system. The Internet can spread false information. This kind of information should be exposed as false. True information will survive.

I noticed a few emails that circulated with "Forward this to everyone you know" seemed to have a theme that promoted the war in Iraq. Themes that said "God bless America and Israel, only". The emails would be patriotic, somber, Muslim threats, or ridiculing anyone who was against the war. It did not matter if the messages were true or false, according to, the messages about war were often pro war.

At Snopes you will find the top 24 war/anti war emails, some true and some false, that have high circulation. 20 out of 24 are pro war. It makes one wonder if there is a propaganda machine lurking deep in the bowels of the government.

Charles Tolleson


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