Freedom For You

I want this blog to be a modern Magna Carta, from the 1215 event which gave some rights to individuals.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Mike Nifong, No Crime Was Committed

Beliefs are what divide people. Doubt unites them. Peter Ustinov (1921-2004)

Former prosecutor Mike Nifong finally admitted there was no crime in the Duke Rape Case.

I think you are wrong Mike. How about the false report filed by the accuser? After traumatizing multiple families and costing the "Rich White Boys" hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees, are you and the other "Prosecutors of Justice" going to do nothing to the lying stripper? Can you at least charge her with a misdemeanor, or something, just to show false reporting of a crime is in itself a crime?

This link provides a list of other prosecutors like you Mike who were more interested in revenge from some long past personal injustice, or biases, instead of public justice.

Were you teased by your classmates when in high school? Did the jocks get the girls and you were unable to get a date while excelling in academics? Did envy of the Duke jocks corrupt your soul? Or was it because you could not say no to all the females in your office. You may have seen yourself as a chivalrous knight saving the ladies, hoping they would reward you with their affections.

You may have believed a crime existed at Duke, only because you wanted it to be. You needed that high profile crime for your own ego and public career.

You made a deal with Mephistopheles. Then you got caught. Had you not gotten caught, and sent three innocent men to jail, you would have stood in front of the courthouse and praised the justice system.

Why did you continue with the "persecution"? From the beginning you knew there was no evidence to support the accuser's claims.

Now you are just another man in the long list of mankind who was corrupted with power. You are an example of the kind of man the writers of our constitution feared.

Charles Tolleson


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